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wydawnictwo: ROUTLEDGE , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 345.00 Twoja cena  327,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Charity Shops
Retailing, Consumption and Society

Suzanne Horne, Avril Maddrell

Charity shops are now significant occupiers of the UK high street, and are becoming familiar sites of consumption in the USA, Australia, Canada and Ireland. This volume provides the first overview of the history and development of the charity shop. Material is drawn from a variety of disciplines, including marketing, retailing, cultural studies and social geography. This book will be of essential interest to all practitioners, researchers and students wishing to study the charity shop phenomenon.

1. Consumption, Identity and Locality: a Theoretical Perspective on Charity Shops I
2. Retailing: a Theoretical Perspective on Charity Shops II
3. Customers and Demand: Thrift, Lifestyle, Convenience and Coming out of the Cold
4. Materialising Profit: from Donation to Distribution
5. Staffing the Charity Shop: Voluntary, Not-So-Voluntary and Paid Staff
6. Pricing and Competition: Hitting the Mark
7. 'It's all in the Mix': Profits, Lifecycles, Lifestyles, and the Future of Charity Shop

192 pages

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