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wydawnictwo: ROUTLEDGE , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 175.00 Twoja cena  166,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Managing Public Services Implementing Changes
A Thoughtful Approach to the Practice of Management

Tony Doherty, Terry Horne

This introductory text has been specifically designed and developed to meet the needs of students studying public services management at undergraduate, certificate diploma and postgraduate level.
Focusing on change as a constant factor in the management of any organizations, Managing Public Services helps the student and practitioner to develop the skills and knowledge required to underpin the work of a modern managers working in rapidly-changing public sector organisations whether publicly owned, privately managed or sub contracted.
Taking a novel and distinctive approach, which emphasises management and organisational learning as keys to organisational success, this text is also solidly practical and comprehensive and is supported by strong pedagogical features - case studies, review questions, illustrative vignettes and teachers manual. This allows the reader to develop transferable skills in thinking and learning as they work through the book and gives greater awareness of the benefits of continuous learning for staff and managers.

576 pages

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