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wydawnictwo: ROUTLEDGE , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 380.00 Twoja cena  361,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Transnational Corporations
Fragmentation Amidst Integration
Grazia Ietto-Gillies

Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in international production worldwide, accompanied by considerable changes in its geographical structure. This volume examines the role of transnational corporations (TNCs) in the geography of international production, covering both theoretical and empirical aspects, and drawing conclusions for future policy making.
This work will be of essential interest to scholars, policy-makers and professionals in the areas of international business strategy, international economics and political science.


Part I: Globalization, Integration and the TNCs
1. Globalization, New Technologies and Transnationals
2. The Role of TNCs in Cross-Border Transactions

Part II: The Widening Reach of TNCs
3. Networks and the TNC: a Theoretical Framework
4. Cross-Border Internal Networks of the World's Largest TNCs
5. Trends in the Network Spread of TNCs' Direct Activities: the UK Case

Part III: Multi-Nationality, Regulatory Regimes and the TNCs: Theoretical Perspectives
6. Nation-States, Regulatory Regimes and TNCs' Strategies
7. Regulatory Regimes in the Theories of International Production
8. International Production in the Context of the 'New' Trade Theories

Part IV: The TNCs Between Integration and Fragmentation: Implications
9. TNCs as a Dominant Cause of the Globalization Process
10. Fragmentation in the Midst of Integration: Theoretical and Policy Implications
240 pages

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