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wydawnictwo: JOSSEY-BASS , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

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Relationships that Enable Enterprise Change

Leveraging the Client-Consultant Connection
Ron A. Carucci, William A. Pasmore

Relationships that Enable Enterprise Change a title in Pfeiffer's Practicing Organization Development Series is a practical resource for consultants who want to enhance their relationship with senior leaders in order to drive broad organization change. Written by Ron A. Carucci and William A. Pasmore with contributions from senior consultants from the acclaimed Mercer Delta Organizational Consulting group this invaluable guide shows you how to leverage relationships with your clients to ensure that sought-after change is realized. The authors present tested principles and approaches that will help transform your client relationships into engines of change throughout the organization and offer a wealth of new ideas that you can implement in your consulting practice.

Table of Contents:

List of Figures, Tables, and Exhibits.

Foreword to the Series.

Introduction to the Series.

Statement of the Board.




1. Why Change and Relationships Go Hand in Hand.

Leaders Drive Organization Change.

Consultants as Catalysts for Sustainable Change.

Building Relationship Intelligence (rQ).

Prerequisites to rQ.

A Unique Format for a Unique Topic.

2. The Heart of It All:Getting Close to Build Trust.

The Importance of Getting Close to Build Trust.



Emotional Intelligence.

Ability to Set and Keep Boundaries.

Change Enablement: How Getting Close Builds the Necessary Trust for Clients to Explore Personal and Organizational Shortcomings.

3. Skin in the Game: Personal Investment.

Put Skin in the Game.

Connect Personal Aspirations to the Work.

Create Capable Clients by Avoiding Dependency.

Change Enablement: How Personal Investment Builds a Sense of Confidence and Significance.

4. Confronting the Moose: Courage.

Have Confidence to Call the Tough Questions.

Hold the Client Accountable.

Provide Nonjudgmental Feedback.

Change Enablement: How Courage to Confront the Moose Builds a Leaders Openness to Tough News.

5. Someone in Your Corner: Advocacy.

Help Leaders Acknowledge and Explore Their Apprehension.

Provide Genuine Encouragement at Critical Crossroads.

Help Leaders Stay the Course During Implementation.

Help Clients Recognize When They Have Exhibited Highly Effective Behavior.

Change Enablement: How Advocacy Helps Leaders See the Change Through.

6. One Plus One Equals Three: Combining Capabilities Through Collaboration.

Understand Client Requirements.

Create a Shared View of Desired Outcomes.

Build Client Ownership Throughout the Engagement.

Build Client Capability Through Learning.

Design Work to Guarantee Synergy.

Discuss Expectations Regarding Working Relationships.

Change Enablement: How Combining Capabilities Through Collaboration Builds Maximum Client Ownership and Commitment.

7. The Capacity to Influence:Interpersonal Agility.

Exceptional Listening Ability.

A Broad Range of Personal Styles.

Signal Detection.

A Light-Hearted Sense of Humor.


Dexterity with Different Methods of Communication.

Ability to Convert Experience to Relevant Wisdom.

Knowledge of How Your Clients Learn and Accept Help.

Change Enablement: How Interpersonal Agility Accelerates a Clients Adoption of New Ways of Thinking and Acting.

8. The Future of Client Relationships and Enterprise Change.

Globalization of the Business Community.

Complex Dynamics of Markets and Competitive Landscapes.

Pressure on Leaders to Deliver Results.

Growing Acceptance of Leaders Who Seek Help.


Appendix: rQ Self-Assessment Questionnair.


About the Authors.

About the Editors.



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