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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 275.00 Twoja cena  261,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Performance Prism
The Scorecard for Measuring and Managing Business Success

Mike Kennerley, Chris Adams, Andy Neely

In Detail

Understand better what is happening inside your business and identify the real improvement priorities.

"You get what you measure," says the old adage. But is your organisation getting what it needs from its existing performance measurement system?

Many organisations have tried various scorecarding approaches, but have found that they didn't deliver what they wanted. Others have found that 1990s frameworks are inadequate for today's increasingly complex business environment of multiple priorities and stakeholders.

Apart from shareholders and customers, several other stakeholders have a vital role to play today such as employees, intermediaries, suppliers, alliance partners, regulators and communities. Stakeholder relationship management is the key to successfully navigating the many pitfalls of managing in this new and rapidly evolving climate.

The Performance Prism presents an innovative and practical solution to this phenomenon and provides the answers to contemporary managing-with-measures challenges. It puts key stakeholders, and managing the organisation's relationship with each of them, centre stage with a novel framework. And, unlike some other approaches to the subject, it provides a level of granularity that allows you to implement it successfully.

Just another management theory? On the contrary, the authors - from Cranfield School of Management's Centre for Business Performance explain what you need to do, why it needs to be done, and how to do it, illustrated with many examples of both best and worst practice.

392 +CD

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