
PEPALL, RICHARDS, NORMAN. wydawnictwo: THOMSON , rok wydania 2002, wydanie II cena netto: 229.00 Twoja cena 217,55 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka Table of Contents:
1. Introduction. 2.
Technology, Costs and Market Structure. 3. Basic Monopoly Pricing and Product Strategies.
4. Product and Pricing Strategies for The Multi-Product Monopolist. 5. Theories of
Business Strategy in Oligopoly Markets. 6. Monopoly Power and Predatory Conduct. 7.
Collusion and Cartels. 8. Mergers. 9. Vertical Relations and Restraints. 10. Advertising.
11. Research and Development. 12. Current Critical Issues: Network Externalities,
Auctions, and Strategic Trade Policy.
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