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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 160.00 Twoja cena  152,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Varieties of Capitalism - The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage


  • 'quoted as one of the six books to change the world' -New Statesman
  • 'an important and carefully argued book.' -Sir Geoffrey Owen, FT
  • 'This is an academic book in the sense that it draws on recent advances in economic and political theory - non-economists may find some chapters hard going - but it is also firmly based on an analysis of how companies really behave.' -Sir Geoffrey Owen, FT
  • 'With this book Peter Hall and David Soskice are opening a new chapter in the analysis of contemporary capitalism. They have succeeded in bringing together in one compelling formulation historical - institutional and rationalist - individualist analytical perspectives. The empirical applications in Varieties of Capitalism illuminate in a profound way how both scholars and policy makers will benefit when they link macro- and micro-level analyses across the many different sectors that define contemporary capitalism in its many forms. Economists and political scientists, finally, are able to meet on common ground. This book will become a classic in the field.' -Peter J. Katzenstein, Walter S. Carpenter, Jr. Professor of International Studies, Cornell University.
  • 'This invaluable contribution to the comparative capitalism literature vigorously argues against the notion of convergence so popular in the globalism debates. The authors expand our understanding of national "production systems" to see new connections and show that the differences aong them allow countries to pursue distinctly different strategies of international competition. A must read.' -Peter Gourevitch, Professor, Graduate School of International Reltions and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego
  • 'This book has been well worth waiting for. It demonstrates the wealth of insights that could be achieved through Soskice's innovative research program that began to change the agenda of Comparative POlitical Economy more than a decade ago. The volume combines a definitive restatement of the varieties of cpitialism approach with illuminative applications to the range of research areas covered by it with some fascinating theoretical extensions. Excellent!' -Professor F.W. Scharpf, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne

What are the most important differences among national economies? Is globalization forcing nations to converge on an Anglo-American model? What explains national differences in social and economic policy? This pathbreaking work outlines a new approach to these questions. It highlights the role of business in national economies and shows that there is more than one path to economic success. The book sets a new intellectual agenda for everyone interested in relations between politics, economics, and business.

Readership: Scholars and graduate students in the fields of political science, strategic management, international business, political economy, European politics/EU, comparative law, and comparative sociology; MBA students


  • 1. Peter A. Hall and David Soskice: An Introduction to Varieties of Capitalism

Part I: General Themes and Diverse Applications

  • 2. Kathleen Thelen: Varieties of Labor Politics in the Developed Democracies
  • 3. Robert J. Franzese, Jr.: Institutional and Sectoral Interactions in Monetary Policy and Wage-Price Bargaining
  • 4. Margarita Estevez-Abe, Torben Iversen, and David Soskice: Social Protection and the Formation of Skills: A Reinterpretation of the Welfare State
  • 5. Isabela Mares: Firms and the Welfare State: When, Why, and How Does Social Policy Matter to Employers?
  • 6. Orfeo Fioretos: The Domestic Sources of Multilateral Preferences: Varieties of Capitalism in the European Community

Part II: Case-Studies in Public Policy, Continuity, and Change

  • 7. Stewart Wood: Business, Government, and Labour Market Policy in Britain and Germany
  • 8. Pepper D. Culpepper: Employers, Public Policy, and the Politics of Decentralized Cooperation in Germany and France
  • 9. Bob Hancke: Revisiting the French Model: Coordination and Restructuring in French Industry

Part III: Corporate Governance, Firm Strategy, and the Law

  • 10. Sigurt Vitols: Varieties of Corporate Governance: Comparing Germany and the UK
  • 11. Mark Lehrer: Macro-Varieties of Capitalism and Micro-Varieties of Strategic Management in European Airlines
  • 12. Steven Casper: The Legal Framework for Corporate Governance: The Influence of Contract Law on Company Strategies in Germany and the United States
  • 13. Gunther Teubner: Legal Irritants: How Unifying Law Ends Up in New Divergences
  • 14. Jay Tate: National Varieties of Standardization

540 pages

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