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wydawnictwo: HBS , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 200.00 Twoja cena  190,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Value Sweep: Mapping Corporate Growth Opportunities

Based on extensive research and years of frontline work within corporations, valuation and strategy expert Martha Amram takes readers beyond the numbers, providing a new lens and a better vocabulary for envisioning, understanding, and valuing growth from mature businesses to those being reshaped by intellectual property and e-commerce.

The stock market routinely values corporate growth opportunities. But inside companies, managers struggle to quantify the value of growth initiatives and to align internal valuations with those in the financial markets. This pioneering method uniquely aligns corporate valuations with the financial market pricing of growth. Value Sweep is the first book to lay out a simple and transparent valuation method that works for the varied growth opportunities facing the modern corporation. This innovative approach is based on a strong financial foundation and weaves together decision analysis, real options, and novel data sources to create easy-to-use valuation methods. Providing investors, analysts, and managers with a much-needed single frame of reference for valuing Fortune 500 firms and newer NASDAQ arrivals alike, this insightful book skillfully integrates the once-elusive process of valuation into everyday business life.

Subjects Covered:
Cash flow, Cash management, Electronic commerce, Finance, Financial analysis, General management, Information age, Innovation, Intellectual property, Knowledge management, Valuation.

284 pages

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