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wydawnictwo: REUTERS , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 230.00 Twoja cena  218,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The last few decades have seen a steady increase in the value of equities but the recent economic downturn and the dotcom crash put the brakes on the most sustained bull run ever.

This downturn does not spell the end of the fledgling European equity market though. A number of factors contribute to the potential for hugely increased activity in European equities once investor confidence returns. Perhaps the most dramatic of these is the advent of the Euro, which promises to render national market boundaries irrelevant and see the growth of the new pan-European markets. In addition, creaking state pension schemes are likely to prove inadequate and equities are widely tipped as the key asset class in generating retirement income.

European Equity Investor is the first broadly-sourced introduction to the idea of pan-European equity markets and its future development, including how stocks are traded on European markets, an overview of the key companies, the pitfalls of buying and selling in Europe, the forces driving the increasing development of equity culture. It doesn't just tell you how to buy and sell shares - it tells you why you should be interested in looking beyond geographic borders.

European Equity Investor is an enlightening guide to the pan-European stock market, telling readers why investors will increasingly have to look beyond domestic borders and equipping you to trade equities across international boundaries.

[ Contents ]

  1. Introduction
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Germany
  4. France
  5. Benelux
  6. Switzerland
  7. Scandanavia
  8. Italy, Spain and Portugal
  9. Pan-European Investing
  10. Conclusion - a Steep Learning Curve
  11. Bibliography
  12. Glossary of Terms

Huw Jones has written about markets for seven years as a correspondent for Reuters. He covered Wall Street during the bull market in the 1990s, and the development of a pan-European stock market after the launch of the euro in 1999. Educated at Manchester University and the Paris Institute of Political Studies, he worked on local newspapers and journals before joining Reuters in New York in 1995. He lives in London.

Jonathan Eley first wrote about equities as a reporter and editor with the AFX News group in the Far East, where he covered the Asian Crisis and its aftermath before moving back to the UK. For the past two years, he has written for the leading investment magazine, Investors Chronicle. He studied modern languages at Aston University, and wrote for trade journals in the UK and US before moving into equity market reporting. He lives in London with his wife and daughter.

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