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wydawnictwo: WORLD SCIENTIFIC , rok wydania 2001, wydanie II

cena netto: 260.00 Twoja cena  247,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Exotic Options

This is the first systematic and extensive book on exotic options. The book covers essentially all popular exotic options currently trading in the Over-the-Counter (OTC) market, from digitals,quantos, spread options, lookback options, Asian options, vanilla barrier options, to various types of exotic barrier options and other options. Each type of exotic options is largely written in a separate chapter, beginning with the basic concepts of the products and then moving on to how to price them in closed-form solutions. Many pricing formulae and analysys which have not previously appeared in the literature are included and illustrated with detailed examples. It will be of great interest to traders, marketers, analysts, risk managers, professors, graduate students, and anyone who is interested in what is going on in the rapidly changing financial market.

"He has put together a comprehensive book on exotic option pricing, showing this to be possible without the measure theory twaddle. It takes the reader through the entire spectrum of products in an organized way and provides most necessary formulas as well as the intuition of their derivation... There is no other place where one can find all the pricing tools gathered together, which allows one to price an option without sneezing from the dust of stacks of journal articles...The author does a good job when be limits his role to providing a complete pricing encyclopedia..... This is the most complete conventional option pricing book currently available." Nassim Taleb, Derivatives Strategy

Dr Peter G Zhang is author of numerous articles published in both academic and professional journals on derivatives, especially on exotic options. He taught the first class on exotic options at the New York Institute of Finance. After teaching at the School of Business at Rutgers University for a year, he joined MMS International (Standard and Poor's Group) as an option specialist. He worked in the New York office of UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland) Securities as a senior associate and then joined Chemical Bank (now Chase Manhattan Bank) in 1995. He was Vice-President at Chase Securities, Tokyo Office. He is an associate editor to the Journal of European Management and author of the newly published book Barings Bankruptcy and Derivatives. He travels extensively around the globe to give presentations on options and risk management.

679 pages

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