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wydawnictwo: BERRETT-KOEHLER , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 109.00 Twoja cena  103,55 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The 4-Dimensional Manager is a breakthrough book that offers a powerful tool-the DiSC system-to help managers understand both their own work style and that of each of their employees so that they can work together more effectively. DiSC stands for four communication styles or "dimensions": Dominance (direct and decisive); Influence (optimistic and outgoing); Supportive (sympathetic and cooperative); and Conscientious (concerned and correct). Author Julie Straw first shows managers how to use the system to analyze their own style and that of their employees. She then shows how to choose the most effective management style (or combination of styles) for any situation, focusing on seven key areas: delegating, decision making, problem solving, motivating, complimenting, giving feedback, and developing skills. The DiSC tool is easy to use and the insights will deliver results again and again.

"The 4-Dimensional Manager provides us with the keys to better performance - personally, with our people, and within our organization. It's a timely, well-written resource for successfully managing today's workforce."

Deb Peters, President, Morgan McGuire Consulting

"Julie Straw's book gives managers a tool for putting together a development plan that really fits them. You're sure to find something in it that makes your job easier and makes you more effective doing it."

William Bridges, author of Transitions, JobShift, Managing Transition, and The Way of Transition

Table of Contents

Part I: It's Not Easy Being a Manager
Here's Looking at You-Responding to the DiSC Personal Profile
Managing the Differences 101-Understanding YOU and the Four DiSC Styles
Understanding the Organization's Style

Part II: Managing the Differences-a 4-Dimensional Approach
Making Decisions
Solving Problems
Increasing Motivation
Giving Constructive Feedback
Developing Skills
You Choose

Part III: The Complete DiSC Response Patterns
Extra Instruments

155 pages

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