Principles of Project
Edward Yescombe's practical guide to project finance offers a systematic approach to this
relatively new discipline. In demonstrating how a handful of principles underlie the
details of long term debt financing for major projects, his examination of financial
engineering tools follows the typical project development process. Because financial
arrangements dictate every aspect of a project's development and contractual arrangements,
all participants need to understand how project finance works and how the financial
structure affects their roles. Features such as a glossary of technical terms,
cross-references and an international scope make this useful as an introduction and a
general handbook.
What is Project Finance?
The Project Finance Markets
Project Development and Management
Working with Lenders
Project Contracts: (1) The Project Agreement
Project Contracts: (2) Ancillary Contracts
Commercial Risks
Macro-economic Risks
Political Risks
Political Risk Guarantees, Insurance and Finance
Financial Modelling and Evaluation
Financial Structuring and Documentation
Glossary and Abbreviations
340 pages