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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

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Business Finance
Applications, Models and Cases

Brief Description

This streamlined text has a sharp focus, covering only the topics of finance which are relevant to business students and at a level which is entirely appropriate for their needs. Uniquely this book integrates text and substantive real world cases and its practical approach will help students learn how to use financial concepts and tools to solve a wide variety of business problems encountered in modern organisations. This book will empower students to conduct systematic analysis, build their own innovative action plans, understand and manage risk and create more profit, cash and value for an organisation. The book includes cross-over material to both general operational and strategic business issues and takes a highly practical approach.


  • Excellent mix of text and substantive integrated case studies.
  • A spreadsheet model-building approach/framework to utilising tools to solve business problems.
  • Includes numerous real-world case studies based on real companies.
  • Structured around key operational and strategic business issues and themes.
  • Takes an applied/practical "how to solve" approach.



Part I Shareholder value

1 Personal financial spreadsheet models for creating maximum shareholder value

Appendix to Part I Maximising value in a co-operative system

Part II Value and risk

Case A: The Jilin project

2 Is it worth doing this business?

3 Preparing for the negotiation: how to create the maximum value out of a business opportunity

Case B: The Jilin project (II)

4 Measuring the progress made in the process of creating value

Case C: Swedish Timber

5 The need to acknowledge risk

Appendices to Part II

II.1: Compounding and discounting: some additional tools

II.2: Two additional cases focusing on value and risk

Case D: Dhahran Roads

Case E: Dhahran Roads (II)

Case F: Dhahran Roads (III)

Case G: The Gatefield project

Part III Modelling business processes and simulating their dynamics

Case H: Delta Metal

6 Cash-income parity: analyzing deviations from parity

7 Building and using a per-cent-of-sales, vertical income, free cash flow and value model

8 Building and usnig a comprehensive income, cash flow and balance sheets model

9 Price, product mix and volume changes

Case I: Delta Metal (II)

10 Building and using trajectories-of-payments-and receipts modelt

11 Growth, cash and value

12 Sequencing payments as a source of value

13 What should Delta Metal do?

Appendices to Part III: Mastering the trajectories of payments and receipts

Case J: Relais Electriques

III.1: Aligning all the cash flows on the trajectory of orders received

III.2: The 'chain of profit centres': a dangerous concept!

Case K: SW Life

III.3: Modelling the impact of growth on the trajectory of cash

Case L: PT PharMa

III.4: Building a model for an international business

Part IV Managing the trajectories of commitment in decline and growth situations

Case M: Tyler Welding

Case N: Motion-Control

14 From 'strategic what if' to 'real options' thinking

Part V Decisions to commit to new products and new markets

15 The challenge of evaluating new products and new markets

Case O: BA International

16 Launching P12: which model would help us best?

Case P: BA International

17 Designing a model of a new product decision

18 Building an improved model

19 Making the model work for us

20 Deciding about the new product

Case Q: Eagle

21 The value of flexibility

Case R: Eagle (II)

Appendices to Part V: Using a new technology to capture growth while keeping flexibility

Case S: The CLS project

V.1: Risk analysis of a major capital expenditure

Case T: The CLS project (II)

Part VI Deciding to commit to external growth opportunitites

22 A framework for evaluating companies

Case U: I, in the United Kingdom

23 A step-by-step analysis of the dynamics of an opportunity for co-operation

24 Designing a co-operative strategy and preparing for its implementatin

Case V: F Trucks

Case W: The negotiation between I and F

25 Creating value out of shared interests and differences: the rationale for a joint venture

Appendix to Part VI Dealing differently with different types of divestment situations

Case X: RFA

General Appendix: Evaluating business opportunities


550 pages

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