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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

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Mutual Funds: Your Money, Your Choice ... Take Control Now and Build Wealth Wisely


In the United States alone, more than 55,000,000 households invest in mutual funds but most of those investors aren't achieving optimal returns, because they don't fully understand their costs, their risks, or their alternatives. In Mutual Funds: Your Money, Your Choice, a leading investment researcher (and author of one of the world's leading investment textbooks) explains exactly what individual investors must know to make the most of every investment dollar.

Simply and clearly without complicated charts or equations Charles P. Jones reviews everything investors need to watch out for to achieve their objectives, including costs, tax issues, sector volatility, and other key issues. He also introduces and explains important new alternatives to mutual funds, such as folio investing, comparing their advantages, risks, and potential yields.

You can't afford not to understand the mutual funds you're staking your future on. This book gives you an unvarnished look at both the positives and the negatives. You'll learn what to ask, where to get the answers, and how to act on that information to minimize your risks and maximize your real returns.

Choosing the right mutual fund
Index funds? Sector funds? Track records? Ratings? Managers? What really matters
Costs and taxes: Are they killing your returns?
Management costs, taxable distributions: who's really profiting from your investment?
"Sold, not bought": the mass marketing of mutual funds
Crucial information that gets lost in the marketing hype
Who's watching out for you?
Today's mutual fund watchdogs: Are they really protecting investors' interests?
Managed bond funds: a good investment?
Why you should think twice before investing in managed bond funds
New alternatives to mutual funds
Folios, ETFs, managed accounts: Are they right for you?

What you must know about mutual fund investing right now.

  • Mutual fund secrets the marketers won't tell you
  • Expert techniques for maximizing return, minimizing taxation, and managing risk
  • Hidden costs, taxable distributions, sector volatility, poor investment safeguards, and other crucial issues
  • New alternatives to mutual funds: exchange-traded funds, folios, managed accounts, and more
  • No equations, no complicated graphs, just simple explanations you can act on

Are you getting the results you expect from your mutual fund investments?

If you're like millions of investors, the answer is NO: your share values are down, you're paying higher taxes than you expected, and the vaunted expertise of your fund managers is proving to be useless-or worse.

It doesn't have to be that way. You can make healthy returns in mutual funds-and you can find alternatives that will help you accomplish your financial objectives when mutual funds won't. This book will show you how.

Charles P. Jones tells you what the mutual fund marketers won't. You'll discover the real risks of mutual funds-and the tough questions you simply must ask if you're going to make the right decisions about them.

You can no longer afford to let the "professionals" make your key decisions for you. Take control of your investments, with the one book that shows you how: Mutual Funds: Your Money, Your Choice.

232 pages

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