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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 230.00 Twoja cena  218,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Marketing Strategy
By Blythe


Marketing Strategy offers a comprehensive view of current thinking on marketing strategy


This text works through the various stages in formulating and implementing strategy, beginning with an analysis of the firm's current status, developing where the firm should be going, and concluding with an explanation of techniques for maintaining competitive position. Students' learning is supported throughout the text with strong pedagogical features that illustrate marketing strategy in practice.

Part 1 What is strategy - and what isn't?
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Strategy

Part 2 Where are we now: the marketing audit
CHAPTER 2 The macro environment and the task environment
CHAPTER 3 The Internal Environment
CHAPTER 4 The Marketing Interface

Part 3 Where do we want to be: creating competitive advantage
CHAPTER 5 Missions and Objectives
CHAPTER 6 Approaches to Customers
CHAPTER 7 Approaches to Markets

Part 4 How do we get there: creating functional-level strategies
CHAPTER 8 Strategy and Products
CHAPTER 9 Strategy and Pricing
CHAPTER 10 Strategy and Promotion
CHAPTER 11 Strategy and Distribution
CHAPTER 12 Strategy and People
CHAPTER 13 Strategy and Process, and Physical Evidence

Part 5 How do we know we got there, and how do we ensure we stay there?
Chapter14 Feedback and control
CHAPTER 15 Managing the process
CHAPTER 16 The Future of Marketing Strategy

298 pages

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