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wydawnictwo: CAMBRIDGE , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 350.00 Twoja cena  332,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Changing Face of Central Banking

Evolutionary Trends since World War II

Central banks have emerged as the key players in national and international policy making. This book explores their evolution since World War II in 20 industrial countries. The study considers the mix of economic, political, and institutional forces that have affected central bank behavior and its relationship with government. The analysis reconciles vastly different views about the role of central banks in the making of economic policies. One finding is that monetary policy is an evolutionary process. The emphasis on clarity of objectives, transparency of the decision-making process, and a clear understanding of the accountability of the central bank cannot be understood in isolation from the previous 50 years of policy making. The changing face of central banking, born out of the turbulence of the first half of the last century, nurtured by evolution in policies, defines the history of central banking in the second half of the twentieth century.


1. The institutional make-up and evolution of central bank-government relations: an introduction;

2. Legislation alone does not a central bank make: political structure, corporate governance and contracts for central bankers;

3. Central bank personalities and monetary policy performance;

4. Econometric analysis of central bank behavior: an evolutionary approach;

5. Contrasting quantitative and qualitative assessments of central bank behavior and the evolution of monetary policies;

6. Accountability, disclosure, and conflict resolution;

7. Inflation targeting versus other inflation control measures: two sides of the same coin?;

8. The changing face of central banking; Epilogue.

342 pages

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