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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 1999, wydanie V

cena netto: 160.00 Twoja cena  152,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Mary Munter , Dartmouth College

Published July 1999 by Prentice Hall Business Publishing

Copyright 2000, 198 pp. Paper ISBN 0-13-013381-7

For MBA, executive, and junior/senior-level courses in Management Communication or Business Communication. It could also be a supplementary text in Introduction to Business and other courses requiring students to give presentations.

Written by an experienced professor, leader, and consultant in the field of management communication, this succinct and down-to-earth guide summarizes and reviews communication, writing and speaking strategies-arming students with the know-how, techniques, and skills to deal successfully with the managerial communication issues they will face as future business professionals.

  • NEW-Expanded coverage of the use of technology-E-mail, teleconferencing, and electronic meeting systems, and much more.

    • Introduces students to cutting edge technology they will use on their jobs.

  • NEW-Gender-based differences in communications.

    • Introduces gender-based tendencies in Business Communication as a subset of cultural variables.

  • NEW-Reworked section on how to organize one's thoughts.

    • Clarifies for students this critical aspect of the writing or presentation process.

  • NEW-Sections on structural signposts in writing and speaking.

    • Provides students with techniques to show the logical flow in their writing or speaking, such as document design and written versus oral transitions.

  • NEW-Section on the difference between speaking for a presentation versus a meeting.

    • Explains to students how different purposes require different structures, visual aids, and nonverbal skills.

  • NEW-Computer software for creating documents and visual aids.

    • Discusses how computers can help students create more effective memos and charts.

  • Under 200 pages from cover to cover-Summarizes key ideas, results, and models pulled from thousands of pages of text and research.

    • Allows students to focus on the most important concepts to gain the knowledge they need to improve their business writing and presenting skills. This is a great handbook for students to use after graduation to bring to work.

  • Clear, practical writing style with a direct, matter-of-fact, nontheoretical tone.

    • Easy for students to read and to skim. Provides a format for students which is not confusing, insultingly remedial, or full of irrelevant information.

  • Comprehensive coverage of business writing and speaking.

    • Provides clear guidelines and models for students to successfully improve their strategy, writing, and speaking skills.
      1. Communication Strategy.

  • Communicator Strategy. Audience Strategy. Message Strategy. Channel Choice Strategy. Cultural Strategy. Strategy Checklist. Guide to the Guide.

  • 2. Writing: Composing Efficiently

  • Composing Under Normal Circumstances. Composing Under Special Circumstances.

  • 3. Writing: Macro Issues.

  • Document Design for "High Skim Value". Structural Signposts for Linkage. Effective Paragraphs or Sections.

  • 4. Writing: Micro Issues.

  • Editing for Brevity. Choosing a Style. Writing Checklists.

  • 5. Speaking: Verbal Structure.

  • Tell/Sell Presentations. Questions and Answers. Consult/Join Meetings. Special Speaking Situations.

  • 6. Speaking: Visual Aids.

  • Designing the Presentation as a Whole. Designing Each Individual Chart. Choosing Visual Aid Equipment. Using Visual Aids Effectively.

  • 7. Speaking: Nonverbal Skills.

  • Tell/Sell Nonverbal Delivery Skills. Consult/Join Nonverbal Skills. Speaking Checklists.

  • Appendices.

  • Formats for Memos, Reports, and Letters. Unbiased Language. Grammar and Usage. Punctuation.

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