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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 1998, wydanie IV

cena netto: 215.00 Twoja cena  204,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Tom L. Beauchamp , Georgetown University

Published June 1997 by Humanities/Social Science

Copyright 1998, 281 pp. Paper ISBN 0-13-398512-1

A collection of 35 original and reprinted contemporary cases that focus on ethical and social issues surrounding business. Students will be made aware of situations that require moral reflection, judgment, and decision-making, thus revealing the complexities that surround moral choices and the formation of public policy.

  • Explores the processes and problems of moral decision-making in professional situations under complex circumstances of controversy, uncertainty, disagreement, and incomplete information.
  • Some cases take an outside look at corporate activities, some take an inside view of a corporation or institution, and some use a mixture of perspectives.
  • Cases are based on actual situations and reflect an authentic sequence of events that occurred in a business or public-policy circumstance.
  • Cases contain sufficient detail to approximate complexity, without clouding moral issues or bogging down in detail.
  • Contains six new cases on topics in: advertising, marketing, conflict of interest, social responsibility of business, employee rights, and the impact of public policy on business.
  • Over 90% of the cases have undergone revisions ranging from minor updates to complete rewritings.
    1. The Employee.
    Workplace Safety and Employee Rights.
  • DuPont's Policy of Excluding Women from the Workplace.
    Peer Review at Shamrock-Diamond Corporation.

Privacy and Employee Records.

The Open Door at IBM.

The DC-10's Defective Doors.
The Reluctant Security Guard.
Trade Secrets and Employee Loyalty.

Venture Capital for Rubbernex.
2. The Consumer, Customer, Client, and Competitor.

Putting the Squeeze on Citrus Hill Orange Juice.

KCRC's Program of Incentives for Advertisers. Removing Rely Tampons from the Market.
Conflict of Interest.

Lilly's Consultation with Hostile Corporations. Commissions on Sales at Brock Mason Brokerage.
Sharp Competitive Practices.

Seizure of the S. W. Parcel.
3. The Environment.
Human Health and Safety.

Reserve Mining's Silver Bay Facility. Hooker Chemical and Love Canal.
Animal Health and Safety.

The Cosmetics Industry and the Draize Test. Pâté at Iroquois Brands.
Species and Wilderness Preservation.

Acid Rain and the Uses of Coal.
4. The Society.
Community Responsibility.

The NYSEG Corporate Responsibility Program.
Health and Welfare of Consumers.

Kellogg Cereals and Children's Television Advertising. Banning Cigarette Advertising.
Social and Economic Justice.

Marketing Infant Formula.
H. B. Fuller in Honduras: Street Children and Substance Abuse.
Social Policy on Discrimination in Employment.

McAleer v. AT&T.
5. The Government.
Regulation and the Legislative Process.

The FCC's Fairness Doctrine.
Manufacture and Regulation of Laetrile.
Public Policy and Corporate Responsibility.

Policies for Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace. Cisco, The "Wine Fooler."
Benefits for Private Corporations and Citizens.

AIDS and the Availability of AZT.
The Ban on Insider Trading.

An Accountant's Small-Time Insider Trading.
6. The Multinational.
The International Employee.

Sexual Harassment at Mitsubishi Motors. Drug Testing at College International.
The International Customer and Client.

Confidentiality at Swiss Bank Corporation.
Conflict of Interest.

Consulting for Jones and Jones Pharmaceutical.
Social and Governmental Relations.

Italian Tax Mores.
Polaroid In and Out of South Africa.

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