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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 2003, wydanie IV

cena netto: 255.00 Twoja cena  242,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Corporation: A Global Business Simulation, 4/E


Appropriate for courses in International Business, International Management, and Strategic Management.

Easy to start-up and use even for students and instructors with no computer experience-this multi-business unit computer simulation provides players with real-world experience in managing strategic choices and in engaging in negotiations. The instructor's manual contains instructor and student disks. The simulation may be administered via the Internet with everything done without face-to-face students-instructor contact.

Table of Contents

1. The Simulation Scenario.
2. The Decision-Making Process.
3. Analysis of the Report and Starting Position.
4. Organizing Your Team.
5. Incidents.
6. Financial Analysis of the Simulation.
7. Simulation Planning and Evaluation.
8. Decision Forms.


  • NEW Now in Windows format.

    Students learn how to operate a Corporation with up to four strategic business units with international exporting and manufacturing.

  • Expanded international focus to cover major emerging markets.
  • The administrator can set a parameter for the exchange rates for these countries.

    Students in most universities can read about these countries easily and for free.

  • Multiple acquisitions and divestitures allowed in a decision period.

    Students receive the experience of negotiating the purchase and sales of multiple business units.

  • New incidents that address corporate culture and the learning organization.

    The simulation not only has numerical budgetary decisions but interesting up-to-date mini-cases that they must tackle. They must learn how to negotiate their position with team members.

  • The possibility of creating a joint venture situation is included.

    Allows teams to have the opportunity to purchase one of many choices of joint ventures that are described in the student manual.

  • New trends in strategic management-Includes possible marketing and production in foreign countries and the configuration of a multinational corporate structure; impact of exchange rates for multinational firms; and the incorporation of quality management on an organization-wide basis.

    Teaches students how dangerous the world currency markets are and must make defensive position strategy to lower the currency exchange risk.

  • Easy to install the software on local area networks.

    Allows students to be able to enter decisions and print their team reports in the college's computer lab.

  • The latest theories of industrial and firm behavior.

    Allows students to establish a strategic plan and then implement it.

  • Easily accessible authors for classroom and software support.

    Allows authors to be available for answering student questions via their instructor who will be in Email contact with the authors.


  • The scenario in the simulation concerns the electronic information systems industry, but the process of decision-making is valid for many other industries.

    Expands industry context to include new ventures in allied high tech industries.

  • The simulation involves the takeover and continuing operation of a multi-divisional, multinational corporation. In playing the simulation, players acting as management teams make a variety of decisions that will have an impact on the future of their company, e.g.: the type and size of strategic business units (SBUs); the quality of product/service that will be delivered to the marketplace; the prices for all products in the portfolio; and the size of the sales force.

    Due to the richness of the decision variables, students are often forced to make cost/benefit analyses to arrive at optimum decision making.

  • The decisions for all teams in the industry are input into the instructor's personal computer that calculates the values and produces a printout containing each firm's results within minutes. Students analyze the printout, decide on a new set of decisions, and input these. Each decision period is assumed to be one-half of a fiscal year.

    Provides a decision time frame of 6 months instead of the typical simulation 3 months, allows students to establish a long-range strategy that would equal to 4-5 years.

    120 pages

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