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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 2002, wydanie II

cena netto: 300.00 Twoja cena  285,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Introduction to Simulation and Risk Analysis

Brief Description

For upper-level undergraduate and beginning graduate courses in business administration and related disciplines. Providing a hands-on, real-world introduction to the concepts, methodologies, and applications of simulation in business specifically, this soundly structured text uses spreadsheets as the principal means to illustrate simulation modeling concepts, computational issues, and analysis of results - giving students extensive hands-on experience with minimal frustration. Covering the basic concepts of simulation, it provides an in-depth study on risk analysis, and effectively deals with systems simulation, reinforcing basic concepts and principles at every turn and emphasizing the true value of simulation by highlighting real applications used in todays businesses at every opportunity. This text also incorporates Crystal Ball and ProcessModel.


  • NEW-Basic Excel skills-Expanded presentation of essential Excel skills.
    elps students better understand and implement in-text examples.
  • NEW-SkillBuilder Exercises.
    Provides students with hands-on chapter exercises that enable them to practice and develop spreadsheet and software applications skills.
  • NEW-Improved pedagogy-Includes new Simulation in Practice cases that describe real applications of simulation in various businesses; presents cell formulas and detailed explanations for most spreadsheet models; adds numerous Questions and Problems to each chapter. Elementary casino games are also used to convey elementary simulation modeling and analysis principles.
    Makes concepts easier for students to grasp, allows them to work with and extend models in the chapter or apply the concepts to new situations, and provides them with a means to review important concepts.
  • NEW- Additional examples and illustrations of simulation models-Many new and realistic examples of simulation models in finance, marketing, engineering, and other disciplines.
    Helps students gain a deeper understanding of simulation by applying concepts and models to actual business scenarios.
  • NEW-Full student version of Crystal Ball.
    Gives students a powerful Excel add-in for Monte Carlo simulation.
  • NEW-Student version of ProcessModel-Provides powerful systems simulation capability, with two chapters devoted to the use and application of the software.
  • Spreadsheets used as the principal learning approach throughout each lesson-Takes advantage of the charting and visual capabilities of Excel.
    Conveys quantitative methodologies in a language business students can most easily understand, allows them to address the elementary concepts of both risk analysis and systems simulation approaches in a common framework.
  • Fully covers all basic concepts of simulation, providing discussions on the nature of simulation models, systems (time/event driven) simulation; techniques for implementing simple simulation models on Excel spreadsheets, methods for generating probabilistic outcomes, a comprehensive review of statistical concepts and methods important in simulation analysis, and much more.
    Presents students with an intensive, complete, and up-to-date overview of simulation that they can directly apply upon entering the workforce.
  • Offers an in-depth study of risk analysis using the Excel add-in Crystal Ball as a practical method for Monte Carlo simulation throughout the text; provides a quasi-users manual for Crystal Ball as well as an original application developed by Cinergy Corporation; prevents a variety of applications in operation management, finance, and marketing..
    Shows students the variety of uses of Monte-Carlo simulation as well as the flexibility of Crystal Ball in addressing risk.
  • Presents a detailed analysis of systems simulation-Describes the fundamentals of simulating inventory and queueing systems; develops activity scanning, process, and event-driven simulation methodology; discusses output analysis and experimentation in systems simulation; includes realistic applications in operations scheduling, information systems, and medicine, and more
    Educates students on all areas of systems simulation, and prepares them fully for situations they may encounter in business.


1. Introduction to Simulation.
2. Simulation Using Excel.
3. Probability and Statistics in Simulation.
4. Risk Analysis Using Crystal Ball.
5. Applications of Risk Analysis.
6. Building System Simulation Models.
7. Output Analysis and Experimentation for Systems Simulation.
8. Systems Simulation Using ProcessModel.
9. Applications of System Simulation.
10. Simulation in Forecasting and Optimization

392 pages

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