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wydawnictwo: ADDISON-WESLEY , rok wydania 1999, wydanie II

cena netto: 200.00 Twoja cena  190,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

(Special Offer: Discount 75% of the price)

2nd Edition
David Lay

1999 592 pages (est.) 0201-34774-1 (Paperback)

Linear algebra is relatively easy for students during the early stages of the course, when the material is presented in a familiar, concrete setting. But when abstract concepts are introduced, students often hit a "brick wall." Instructors seem to agree that certain concepts (such as linear independence, spanning, subspace, vector space, and linear transformations), are not easily understood, and require time to assimilate. Since they are fundamental to the study of linear algebra, students' understanding of these concepts is vital to their mastery of the subject. Lay introduces these concepts early in a familiar, concrete R^n setting, develops them gradually, and returns to them again and again throughout the text. Finally, when discussed in the abstract, these concepts are more accessible. Students' conceptual understanding is reinforced through True/False questions, practice problems, and the use of technology. David Lay changed the face of linear algebra with the execution of this philosophy, and continues his quest to improve the way linear algebra is taught with the new Updated Second Edition. With this update, he builds on this philosophy through increased visualization in the text, vastly enhanced technology support, and an extensive instructor support package. He has added additional figures to the text to help students visualize abstract concepts at key points in the course. A new dedicated CD and Website further enhance the course materials by providing additional, support to help students gain command of difficult concepts. The CD, included in the back of the book, contains a wealth of new materials, with a registration coupon allowing access to a password-protected Website. These new materials are tied directly to the text, providing a comprehensive package for teaching and learning linear algebra.

Enhanced visualization for students: additional figures in the margins illustrate graphically important concepts and procedures.
Icons in the margins flag topics for which expanded or enhanced material is available on the Website and CD.

CD-ROM. Bundled free with both student and instructor
versions of the text. Includes:

1. Review Sheets and Practice Tests. For student review, these are sample tests with answer keys and review sheets that highlight important chapter concepts. Written by David Lay.
2. Downloads. Data files for over 800 excercises in the text - for MATLAB, Maple, Mathematica, TI-85/86 and HP-48G Calculators.
3. Case Studies. The new case studies are expanded Introductory Examples that frame the existing situation or problem, adding applicable real-world data and referencing material in the text. Refer to Table of Contents for topics covered.
4. New Applications. These are projects, problems, and applications exercises based on real-world data and keyed to the text. They are challenging and require the use of graphing technology. New applications also include challenging Problems. These are more in-depth problems that supplement those already in the text. These problems may or may not require graphing technology. Instructors now have a selection of more challenging problems to further expand the ideas in the book.
5. References to Applications. This is a list of the areas from which applications in the text are drawn. Color icons take users directly to relevant material on the CD and Website.
6. Study Guide Sample. This sample from Chapter 1 of the supplemental Study Guide demonstrates to students the importance of this resource.

Student Website. Accessible via password bundled with the Student Edition. Contains everything on the CD, plus:

7. Related Linear Algebra Links. These links to other Websites of interest to instructors and students are included to allow for further discovery. Data sources, applications of linear algebra, and other math-related sites are among the many links supplied.

Instructor Website. Accessible ONLY to instructors via password. Contains everything on the CD and Student Website, plus:

8. Transparency Masters. This is a comprehensive package including key figures from the text to aid in visualization, as well as text-based slides with additional numerical examples and summaries of key ideas. These materials contain coverage for every chapter in the text.
9. Sample Syllabi. This contains five possible "paths" through the text to reflect different teaching goals and prerequisites. Written by David Lay.
10. Sample Tests. Additional sample tests, review sheets, and answer keys written by David Lay.

Continued Features of the text.

Fundamental ideas of linear algebra introduced within the first seven lectures, in the concrete setting of R^n, and then gradually examined from different points of view. Later generalizations of these concepts appear as natural extensions of familiar ideas.
A modern view of matrix multiplication. Definitions and proofs focus on the columns of a matrix rather than on the matrix entries.
Numerical Notes. These give a realistic flavor to the text. Students are reminded frequently of issues that arise in the real-life use of linear algebra.
Each major concept in the course is given a geometric interpretation because many students learn better when they can visualize an idea.
[M] exercises appear in every section. To be solved with the aid of a [M]atrix program such as Matlab, Maple, Mathematica, MathCad, Derive or programmable calculators with matrix capabilities, such as the TI-85, TI-86, and HP-48G. Data for these exercises are provided on the Website: http://www.laylinalgebra.com.
Section 2.9 is optional, which permits instructors to cover eigenvalues very early, by omitting or postponing Chapters 3 and 4.

(Each chapter begins with an Introductory Example and
ends with Supplementary Exercises.) 1. Linear Equations In Linear Algebra.
Systems of Linear Equations.
Row Reduction and Echelon Forms.
Vector Equations.
The Matrix Equation ax = b.
Solution Sets of Linear Systems.
Linear Independence.
Introduction to Linear Transformations.
The Matrix of a Linear Transformation.
Linear Models in Business, Science, and Engineering.
2. Matrix Algebra.
Matrix Operations.
The Inverse of a Matrix.
Characterizations of Invertible Matrices.
Partitioned Matrices.
Matrix Factorizations.
Iterative Solutions of Linear Systems.
The Leontief Input-Output Model.
Applications to Computer Graphics.
Subspaces of R^n.
3. Determinants.
Introduction to Determinants.
Properties of Determinants.
Cramer's Rule, Volume, and Linear Transformations.
4. Vector Spaces.
Vector Spaces and Subspaces.
Null Spaces, Column Spaces, and Linear Transformations.
Linearly Independent Sets; Bases.
Coordinate Systems.
The Dimension of a Vector Space.
Change of Basis.
Applications to Difference Equations.
Applications to Markov Chains.
5. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues.
The Characteristic Equation.
Eigenvectors and Linear Transformations.
Complex Eigenvalues.
Discrete Dynamical Systems.
Applications to Differential Equations.
Iterative Estimates for Eigenvalues.
6. Orthogonality and Least-Squares.
Inner Product, Length, and Orthogonality.
Orthogonal Sets.
Orthogonal Projections.
The Gram-Schmidt Process.
Least-Squares Problems.
Applications to Linear Models.
Inner Product Spaces.
Applications of Inner Product Spaces.
7. Symmetric Matrices and Quadratic Forms.
Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices.
Quadratic Forms.
Constrained Optimization.
The Singular Value Decomposition.
Applications to Image Processing and Statistics.
Uniqueness of the Reduced Echelon Form.
Complex Numbers.

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