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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 1999, wydanie VII

cena netto: 246.00 Twoja cena  233,70 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

1st Edition
Bernard Kolman
David Hill

1999 568 pages (est.) 0130-85199-X (Hardback)

For first courses in Linear Algebra or Matrix Theory. This introductory text offers a fine balance between abstraction/theory and computational skills. While vector spaces come early, this is not a heavy duty theory text. This edition is more applied than ever before.

* NEW - Greater use of linear combinations-of-columns approach - As a running theme throughout the book.
* NEW - More exercises, at all levels - Some are more open-ended, alowing for exploration and discovery.
* NEW - More geometry added - i.e., offers a stronger emphasis on the geometrical presentation of basic ideas and supports this emphasis with an increased use of illustrative figures.
* NEW - A chapter on MATLAB provides an introduction to MATLAB. There is also a chapter consisting of exercises that are specially designed to be solved using MATLAB.
* Specially marked, software-neutral, computer exercises - These optional problems are found throughout chapters 1-7 and enable use of Maple, etc. as opposed to chapter 9, which focuses on MATLAB exclusively.

1. Linear Equations and Matrices.
2. Real Vector Spaces.
3. Inner Product Spaces.
4. Linear Transformations and Matrices.
5. Determinants.
6. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
7. Differential Equations (Optional).
8. MATLAB for Linear Algebra.
9. MATLAB Exercises.
Appendix A: Preliminaries. Sets. Functions.
Appendix B: Complex Numbers.
Complex Numbers. Complex Numbers in Linear Algebra.
Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises

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