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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 1999, wydanie VIII

cena netto: 258.00 Twoja cena  245,10 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

William G. Sullivan , Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
James A. Bontadelli , The University of Tennessee
Elin M. Wicks , University of Missouri, Columbia
Published August 1999 by Engineering/Science/Mathematics

Copyright 2000, 662 pp. Cloth ISBN 0-13-011570-3

For undergraduate, introductory courses in Engineering Economics.

Used by over 500,000 students, this best-selling text provides a sound understanding of the principles, basic concepts, and methodology of engineering economy. Built upon the rich and time-tested teaching materials of earlier editions, it is extensively revised and updated to reflect current trends and issues, with an emphasis on the economics of engineering design throughout. It provides one of the most complete and up-to-date studies of this vitally important field.

  • NEW-More design economics problems and cost estimating.

    • Allows students to apply and practice essential concepts.

  • NEW-A full chapter on Communicating Engineering Economy Study Results (Ch. 15).

    • Provides students with tips on how to "sell" their projects to decision-makers in management.

  • NEW-Global issues-Discussed in terms of exchange rate problems.

    • Gives students a global perspective and allows them to see how global issues can affect their day-to-day lives on the job.

  • NEW-Deflation effects on project economics highlighted.

    • Allows students to see how deflation can affect projects.

  • NEW-New and updated end-of-chapter problems.

  • NEW-Test Companion Website www.prenhall.com/sullivan-Devoted to electronic media that supports engineering economy courses.

    • Provides instructors with a wide range of support tools that make running and managing a course easier. Provides students with interactive exercises that make learning material easier and more fun.

  • NEW-Student portfolios-Offers suggestions for creating and using student portfolios to facilitate integrated learning of topics in engineering economy.

    • Invites students to become actively involved in the learning process.

  • NEW-Economic Value Added-Uses an after-tax cash flow analysis to explain the concept of "economic value added."

    • Helps students understand how engineering projects add economic value to a company. Ex. ___

  • NEW-Cost of capital-Explains the cost of equity and debt capital as well as the weighted average cost of capital and its relationship to rate of return concepts.

    • Allows students to understand the impact that cost of capital has on the feasibility and return of a project.

  • Real-world engineering economy analysis methodology.

    • Helps students develop proficiency with methodology and processes for making rational decisions in situations likely to be encountered in professional practice.

  • Case studies-Demonstrates the integrated application of the principles, basic concepts, and methodology used by engineers in typical, real-world situations.

    • Allows students to see how concepts are applied in the real world.

  • Cost estimating, design economics, and electronic spreadsheets.

    • Provides students with comprehensive, thorough coverage of essentials skills and concepts behind engineering economy. _

  • Capital investments-Examines the theoretical and practical aspects of selecting among capital investments.

    • Teaches students to select the most profitable projects to benefit a company's bottom line.

  • Internet-accessible electronic spreadsheets-Provides approximately 50 basic templates for all major topics in the text and summarizes formulas and key concepts.

    • Provides students with a ready source of information for quick reference and review and eliminates the need to create basic spreadsheets, thereby saving time.

  • Examples.

    • Allows to students to more readily understand concepts and reinforces learning.


    1. Introduction to Engineering Economy.
    2. Cost Concepts and Design Economics.
    3. Money-Time Relationships and Equivalence.


    4. Applications of Money-Time Relationships.
    5. Comparing Alternatives.
    6. Depreciation and Income Taxes.
    7. Cost Estimating Techniques.
    8. Price Changes and Exchange Rates.
    9. Replacement Analysis.
    10. Dealing With Uncertainty.


    11. Public Projects and the Benefit/Cost Ratio Method.
    12. Engineering Economy Studies in Investor-Owned Utilities.
    13. Probabilistic Risk Analysis.
    14. Capital Financing and Allocation.
    15. Communicating Engineering Economy Study Results.
    Appendixes .

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