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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 2000, wydanie II

cena netto: 190.00 Twoja cena  180,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

(Special Offer: Discount 50% of the price)


Zvi Bodie , Boston University
Robert C. Merton , Harvard University

For undergraduate Corporate Finance, MBA Finance course, and Financial Economics.

This significant new finance text has a broader scope and greater emphasis on general principles than most other introductory finance texts, which typically focus exclusively on corporate finance. This text incorporates Corporate Finance, investments, and institutions. Acclaimed authors Bodie and Merton offer an approach balanced among the three "pillars" of finance optimization over time, asset valuation, and risk management. The book encompasses all subfields of finance within a single unifying conceptual framework, and offers the "big picture" of resource allocation over time under conditions of uncertainty.

Incorporates all areas of finance Including investments, institutions, and corporate finance. Departs from other texts, which focus almost exclusively on corporate finance.

Emphasizes material that students can relate to.

Unifying Theme 3 pillars of finance The three pillars of finance (optimization over time, asset valuation, and risk management) represent the basic "laws" and principles that apply across all the topical subfields of finance.

Allows students to see finance as one big picture instead of as unconnected pieces.

Spreadsheet modeling exercises Shows students how to build their own Excel templates.
Students are guided step-by-step through the implementation of beginning and advanced models designed to teach applied aspects of finance. Icons by selected end-of-chapter problems in the text indicate template applications found in the Prentice Hall Finance Center CD accompanying the text.

Students learn the important practical skill of how to build actual models.

Complete integration of international material Global examples are integrated directly into the text, rather than in separate boxed material.

International material was thoughtfully integrated so that students are given the best examples at the appropriate places. Most texts add this material in a boxed feature as an after thought.

Quick check concept questions At critical points in the text.

Helps students check their understanding of material previously presented.

Special interest boxes throughout Contains newspaper clippings and applications illustrating theory.

Encourages students to actively use the theory in dealing with their own affairs, and in interpreting the financial news.

End-of-chapter problems Organizes problems by topic and level of difficulty. Offers complete step-by-step solutions for all problems in the Instructor's Manual, in a format that instructors can distribute to students.

Students obtain instant feedback to concepts learned within the text.

UNIQUE Topics found in Bodie/Merton Life-cycle saving and resource allocation over time, Law of One Price and the Force of arbitrage, Integrated risk management and Portfolio selection, Functions of the financial system and the dynamics of institutional change.

Unique Technology The Prentice Hall Finance Center CD-ROM FREE in the back of the text allows students to obtain a wealth of information to enhance their understanding of finance. The Finance Center CD-ROM includes the following:
Fincoach Software: Generates an unlimited number of problems that allow students to practice the math of finance. FinCoach is integrated into the end-of-chapter problems so that students can practice in context of what they are learning.
Career Center: Explores the working life of finance professionals. There are video interviews with finance professionals explaining what they do every day, industry surveys of current salaries at all levels among finance professions, interview and resume writing tips, and other advice that will help students land their first job.
Excel Spreadsheet Modeling Handbook: Students learn how to build their own Excel templates, using actual examples from the textbook.
Direct Link to PHLIP: Prentice Hall Learning on the Internet Partnership.


Chapter 5 is now devoted to personal financial planning 5 has been reorganized so that it is now a self-contained primer in personal financial decision-making, using time value of money concepts in making saving, borrowing, and investment decisions over the life cycle. It even covers estate planning which demonstrates how to take personal taxes into account in financial planning.

This is a direct response to the overwhelming users who love the emphasis on practical financial decision-making, especially the examples drawn from personal finance.

Chapter 19 (Financial Forecasting) has been combined into Chapter 3 (How to Interpret and Forecast Financial Statements) This is a self-contained primer that requires no prior knowledge of accounting.

Hedging, Insuring, and Diversifying have been combined into a single chapter (11).

For faculty who choose to teach risk management in the intro course, chapters 10 and 11 are "showcase" chapters for the book.

A more simplified and streamlined presentation of options and contingent claims Instead of separate chapters on each, there is now a single chapter (Chapter 15), full of practical examples of how options and option-pricing concepts can be applied.

For faculty who choose to teach options in the introductory course, this is now a "showcase" chapter for the book.

Two full chapters on capital budgeting Chapter 6 (How to Analyze Investment Projects) covers decision-making skills for investing in single business projects. Chapter 17 (Finance and Corporate Strategy) includes a full discussion of capital budgeting in corporations.

This is in response to reviewers who wanted two full chapters on this topic.

A new section comparing the WACC, APV, and FTE investment criteria.

Demonstrates the links between capital structure and capital budgeting. Ex. Chapter 16 (section 16.10).


1. What Is Finance?
2. The Financial System.
3. How to Interpret and Forecast Financial Statements.

4. The Time Value of Money and Discounted Cash Flow Analysis.
5. Life-Cycle Financial Planning.
6. How to Analyze Investment Projects.

7. Principles of Asset Valuation.
8. Valuation of Known Cash Flows: Bonds.
9. Valuation of Unknown Cash Flows: Stocks.

10. An Overview of Risk Management and Portfolio Selection.
11. Hedging, Insuring, and Diversifying.
12. Choosing an Investment Portfolio.

13. The Capital Asset Pricing Model.
14. Forward and Futures Prices.
15. Options and Contingent Claims.


16. Capital Structure.
17. Finance and Corporate Strategy.

476 pages

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