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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 2000, wydanie IV

cena netto: 246.00 Twoja cena  233,70 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Richard W. Malott , Western Michigan University
Maria E. Malott , Malott and Associates
Elizabeth A. Trojan , Western Michigan University

Published September 1999 by Humanities/Social Science

Copyright 2000, 500 pp. Paper ISBN 0-13-083706-7

For undergraduate/graduate-level courses in Behavior Modification, Behavior Analysis and Learning.

This text offers a solid introduction to the principles of behavior using a clear, interesting, entertaining style with many case studies and everyday examples. This text maintains a high level of intellectual rigor, addressing fundamental concepts at the beginning of each chapter with more advanced topics left for one of the two enrichment sections within each chapter.

  • A flexible introduction to behavior theory and analysis, presenting each chapter in two sections:

    • The Fundamentals section presents the bare-bones essence of the chapter content and can be understood by undergraduates and graduates alike.

    • The Enrichment section consists of two levels: Basic, written at a level appropriate for undergraduates who might not aspire to any further coursework in behavior analysis; and Intermediate, written at a progressively more difficult and esoteric level for juniors, seniors and others who will be doing further work in behavior analysis. The authors assume anyone reading the Intermediate level will also read the Basic level and find it useful.

  • Hypothetical Skinner box examples using rats or pigeons illustrate many basic behavioral contingencies and procedures.

    • The simplicity of the life of the rat or pigeon in the test chamber is an excellent tool for understanding the complexity of the life of the human being in the normal environment. Most of these Skinner box examples are placed in the Enrichment sections so instructors can choose to cover them or not.

  • Compare and Contrast sections-Presented where necessary on topics such as: escape vs. punishment, reinforcer vs. reinforcement, time out vs. response cost, penalty vs. extinction, differential reinforcement vs. reinforcement.

    • Helps students understand the differences between important concepts.

  • Research methods can be presented in one of two ways-either in context in the various Enrichment sections, or in a separate chapter.

    • Provides maximum flexibility to both those instructors who devote a specific lecture to research methods AND to those who choose to present methodology as the contextual opportunities arise.

  • Engaging, friendly writing style.

    • Allows authors to present fairly sophisticated information in a way that encourages students to read. Fictional characters abound but they always refer to the original research. Likewise, after professional behavior analysts are introduced with formal titles and last names, they are referred to by their first names to demonstrate their humanness and to reinforce to students that these are professions to which they can aspire.

  • Contains pedagogical devices-Such as study objectives, multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank questions throughout.

    • Allows students to check their comprehension of the material before moving on to the next section.
      1. The Reinforcer.
      2. Reinforcement.
      3. Escape.
      4. Punishment.
      5. Penalty.
      6. Extinction and Recovery.
      7. Differential Reinforcement and Punishment.
      8. Shaping.
      9. Unlearned Reinforcers and Aversive Conditions.
      10. Special Establishing Operations.
      11. Learned Reinforcers and Aversive Conditions.
      12. Discrimination.
      13. Complex Stimulus Control.
      14. Imitation.
      15. Avoidance.
      16. Punishment by Prevention.
      17. Ratio Schedules.
      18. Time-Dependent Schedules.
      19. Concurrent Contingencies.
      20. Response Chains and Rate Contingencies.
      21. Respondent Conditioning.
      22. Analogs to Reinforcement: Part I.
      23. Analogs to Reinforcement: Part II.
      24. A Theory of Rule-Governed Behavior.
      25. Pay for Performance.
      26. Moral and Legal Control.
      27. Maintenance.
      28. Transfer.
      29. Research Methods.
      30. Jobs and Grad School.

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