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wydawnictwo: FT MANAGEMENT , rok wydania 1999, wydanie I

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1st Edition
Ogenyi Omar

1999 464 pages 0273-63859-9 (Paperback)

This text provides a comprehensive introduction to Retail Marketing covering a wide range of types of retail organisation. It has a coherent structure, looking first at the nature of retail marketing, then at the environment, at consumer behaviour, segmentation and positioning and at the retail marketing mix. The book ends with chapters on retail marketing planning and control and a specific chapter on international retail marketing.
Designed to be student friendly, each chapter of the book follows a similar structure. All start with learning objectives, contain many examples and mini cases, summaries of future industry trends, revision questions, assignment tasks and lists of key terms.
- separate chapters on retail segmentation and positioning and on international retailing
- packed full of examples and mini cases
- case study with discussion questions at the end of each chapter.

1. The nature of retail marketing management
Historical background
The meaning and functions of marketing
The structure of retail marketing theory
Retail institutional change
The role of competition
Marketing mix management
2. The retail marketing environment
The need for retail establishments
The general retail marketing environment
Internal environment
External environment
The proximate retail environment
Other environmental dimensions
European retail marketing environment
Environmental forecasting
Retail marketing implications
3. Consumer behaviour and retail marketing strategy development
Theoretical base for studying consumer behaviour
The shopping decision process
Consumer decision making (CDM)
Strategy development and influencing factors
4. Retail marketing segmentation and positioning
The retail market
Customer dimensions
Retail market segmentation
Positioning strategy
Target marketing
5. Store image, loyalty and patronage management
The concept and definition of store image
Image management
Store image and shoppers' self image congruence
Shopping activities and motives
Store choice and patronage management
The causal model of store loyalty
Loyalty management
Store management implications
6. Retail distribution and logistics management
The distribution channels
Flows in the channel of distribution
Channel design and considerations
Channel management
Retailer logistics management
7. Principles of retail location, feasibility and logistics
Principles of store location
The logistics of retail location
The retail location decisions
Trading areas delineation
Site selection
Market potential assessment
8. Product selection, buying and merchandising
Product and supplier selection
The buying function
Merchandise planning
The role of brands
9. Retailers' own-label brand marketing
Branding strategy and development
Developments in own-label brand
Brand competitive dimensions (brand wars)
Generic products
Strategies for own branding
Manufacturers' strategic options
Consumer response to own brands
10. Pricing in retail marketing
The meaning of price
External influences on price
Internal influences on price
General pricing policies
Other aspects of pricing strategies
11. Retail promotion and advertising
Retail promotion
Planning for retail sales promotion
Special sales events
Media mix and selection process
Retail advertising management
Advertising strategy formulation
Advertising process and planning
Display management
12. Retail services provision and management
Self-service in retailing
Personal selling in retailing
Financial services in retailing
loyalty schemes
Extended opening hours
Planning the service mix
Retail service innovation
Retailer action in marketing services
Customer services
13. Research and retail information management systems
Retail need for research information
Retail information management systems (RIMS)
Sources of information
RIMS and retail life-cycle
Research methodology and organisation
Research planning
14. Retail marketing planning and control
The retail marketing plan
The planning process
Corporate mission and strategic options
The marketing audit
Portfolio planning
SWOT analysis
Retail marketing objectives and strategies
The retail marketing control process
Retail marketing control functions
15. International retail marketing management
The internationalisation of retailing
Global marketing theories
Eliminating unsuitable markets
Market entry decisions and strategies
The international retail marketing mix
The international sourcing process

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