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wydawnictwo: FT MANAGEMENT , rok wydania 2002, wydanie V

cena netto: 215.00 Twoja cena  204,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Second or third year LLB courses in equity and trusts in law departments. One-year full-time or two-year part-time CPE (common professional examination) or Diploma courses in law departments. Provides a straightforward and readable treatment of the key principles of the law of trusts and the equitable principles behind them. Academic analysis of decisions is provided alongside the case facts and judgments, and legislative provisions are summarised. The book demystifies this complex subject, without oversimplifying, and presents it to students in as palatable a manner as possible, through clear exposition and a focus on contemporary applications of the trust.

Appropriate length and coverage for modularised courses so that students are not overfaced with detail.

Strong coverage of equitable principles allows students to understand the concepts underpinning this area of property law.

Companion website allows lecturers and students to keep up to date with developments.

Table of Contents

Table of Cases.
Table of Statutes.
1. Growth of equity and the evolution of the trust
2. The maxims of equity
3. Trusts today
4. The requirements of an express trust
5. Powers and discretionary trusts
6. Setting trusts aside
7. Variation of trusts
8. Purpose trusts
9. Charitable trusts
10. Implied or resulting trusts
11. The family home
12. Constructive trusts
13. Appointment, retirement and removal of trustees
14. Trustees' powers
15. Trustees' duties
16. Remedies for breach of trust
17. The equitable doctrines
18. Equitable remedies

486 pages

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