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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 1998, wydanie I

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Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, 4/e

Christopher Lovelock

Copyright 2001, 720 pp. Cloth format ISBN 0-13-017392-4


For graduate-level/MBA courses in Services Marketing.

Combining conceptual rigor with real-world examples and practical applications, this combination text/reader/casebook explores both concepts and techniques of marketing for an exceptionally broad range of service categories and industries. Strong managerial and strategic focus.


  • NEW-Four new chapters-Each focusing on a critical topic in services marketing that is also linked to other areas throughout the text-Customer Behavior in Service Settings (Ch. 4), Creating Delivery Systems in Place, Cyberspace, and Time (Ch. 11), Managing Customer Waiting Lines and Reservations (Ch. 14), Technology and Service Strategy (Ch. 18).
    • Offers students the most up-to-date insights, with newly expanded coverage of technology, consumer behavior and other key topics.
  • NEW-The new 8Ps framework of integrated service management-Adds Productivity and Quality as linked concepts and modifies several of the elements of the traditional 7Ps framework (e.g., describing service delivery systems in terms of "Place, Cyberspace, and Time" instead of the outdated "Place" terminology).
    • Shows students how different elements of service strategy, including productivity and quality, fit together in a modern, synergistic framework.
  • NEW-Coverage of technology issues and Internet/Web applications-Throughout, and in new in-depth chapter (Ch. 18).
    • Shows students how information technology is changing the nature of service delivery.
  • NEW-New/revised/updated challenging and exciting cases-Ten cases, drawn from a cross-section of service industries, including business-to-business and professional services as well as consumer services. All cases now include suggested study questions.
    • Students will be motivated to prepare, discuss, and learn from relevant cases featuring service marketing challenges in the U.S. and around the world.
  • NEW-New readings-Ten readings, drawn from Harvard Business Review, International Journal of Service Industry Management, Journal of Service Research, and Sloan Management Review, plus articles specially commissioned for this book from leading academic experts.
    • Students will obtain insights from state-of-the-art thinking by leading researchers, thereby enhancing their learning from the chapters.
  • NEW-Ethical issues facing service managers-Raised as appropriate in specific and relevant contexts.
    • Challenges students to think responsibly about the implications of management decisions but avoids preaching at them.
  • NEW-International issues-Throughout, and in a substantially revised chapter on "International and Global Strategies in Service Management."
    • Clarifies concepts with examples from the US, Canada, and around the world.
  • NEW-Numerous boxed examples-Complementing the chapter text throughout are "Service Perspectives" (in-depth examples that illustrate key concepts), "Research Insights" (summaries of published research), and "Management Memos" (suggestions for good practice).
    • Enlivens and enriches the text content; maintains students' interest by exposing them to interesting research findings, relevant recent examples, and practical managerial guidelines.
  • An integrated approach-Places marketing issues within a broader general management context. Offers a balanced focus on the close ties that link the marketing, operations, and human resource functions.
    • Allows instructors to make selective use of chapters, readings, and cases to teach courses of different lengths and formats in either services marketing or service management.
  • A focus on broad categories of services-Rather than just highlighting generic differences between goods and services.
    • Shows students that different categories of services face distinctive marketing problems, and encourages analysis of useful parallels across services industries.
  • A carefully-designed "toolbox" for service managers-Teaches students how different concepts, frameworks and analytical procedures can best be used to examine varied challenges ranging from huge international corporations in fields such as airlines, banking, insurance, telecommunications, hotel chains, and freight transportation to locally owned and operated small businesses such as restaurants, laundries, taxis, optometrists to many business-to-business services.
    • Prepares students for any service managerial position they may find themselves in.

Table Of Contents

About the Author and Contributors.


1. Distinctive Aspects of Service Management.
2. Customer Involvement in Service Processes.
3. Managing Service Encounters.


Service Theater: An Analytical Framework for Services Marketing, Stephen J. Grove and Raymond P. Fisk.
Critical Service Encounters: The Employee's Viewpoint, Mary Jo Bitner, Bernard H. Booms, and Lois A. Mohr.


4. Customer Behavior in Service Settings.
5. Targeting Customers, Managing Relationships, and Building Loyalty.
6. Complaint Handling and Service Recovery.


Listening to the Customer: The Concept of a Service- Quality Information System, Leonard L. Berry and A. Parasuraman.


7. Positioning a Service in the Marketplace.
8. Creating the Service Product and Adding Value.
9. Pricing Strategies for Services.
10. Customer Education and Service Promotion.


Service Positioning through Structural Change, G. Lynn Shostack.
The Strategic Levers of Yield Management, Sheryl E. Kimes and Richard B. Chase.


11. Creating Delivery Systems in Place, Cyberspace, and Time.
12. Enhancing Value by Improving Quality and Productivity
13. Balancing Demand and Capacity.
14. Managing Customer Waiting Lines and Reservations.


Content and Measurement of Productivity in the Service Sector, Ismo Vuorinen, Raija Jorvinen, and Uolevi Lehtinen.
Service Markets and the Internet, John Deighton.


15. Managing People in Service Organizations.
16. Organizing for Service Leadership.
17. International and Global Strategies in Service Management.
18. Technology and Service Strategy.

Readings: Organigraphs: Drawing How Companies Really Work, Mintzberg and Van der Heyden.
Putting the Service-Profit Chain to Work, Heskett et al.
The Evolution of Services Management in Developing Countries: Insights from Latin America, Reynoso.


Note on Studying and Learning from Cases.
Four Customers in Search of Solutions, Lovelock.
Sullivan's Auto World Ford, Lovelock.
Euro Disney: An American in Paris, Lovelock and Morgan.
BT: Telephone Account Management, Lovelock and Bless.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Lovelock.
First Direct: Branchless Banking, Larreche, Lovelock, and Parmenter.
Vertical Net, Narayandas.
Menton Bank, Lovelock.
R Cubed, Lovelock and Price.
Peters & Champlain, Lovelock.

Instructors Supplements
Instructors Manual with Transparency Masters (ISBN: 0130274275)
Electronic Transparencies (PowerPoint) (ISBN: 0130274283)

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