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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 1998, wydanie I

cena netto: 380.00 Twoja cena  361,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Michael D. Johnson , University of Michigan School of Business

Published June 1997 by Prentice Hall Business Publishing

Copyright 1998, 183 pp. Paper ISBN 0-13-328667-3

In Customer Orientation and Market Action Johnson provides a rigorous yet practical introduction to customers in today's marketplace. By integrating research and application, the book helps both students and practitioners gain valuable insights into customer characteristics and needs, and use these insights to improve business decisions.

  • Explores a wealth of models and knowledge available in psychology, economics, consumer research, and marketing.

  • Orients current and future business decision makers to their customers, then applies this orientation to improve the overall business decision-making process.

  • Emphasizes the goal of satisfying customers using an interdisciplinary approach to gain an understanding of what satisfaction is, how to measure it, change it, and track its bottom-line impact on firm performance.

  • Introduces the three goals of a customer orientation-(1) the attainment of customer information, (2) the dissemination of this information throughout an organization, and (3) the implementation of quality improvements.

  • Takes an integrated approach to understanding customers, balancing a psychologist's view of the dynamics of customer behavior, an economist's view of the predictability of market behavior, and a manager's need to use this information to make business decisions.

  • Organizes business decisions into the Four Phases of Customer Orientation-Customer Strategy and Focus (Phase I), Customer Satisfaction Measurement (Phase II), Analysis and Priority Setting (Phase III), and Implementation (Phase IV).

  • Features case studies at key points to illustrate the principles and practices being discussed.

  • Provides an overview of the types of customer information used in management decisions and the variety of customer and market research methods used to obtain this information.

  • Emphasizes the need to anticipate customer needs through the use of proactive research methods.

  • Profiles customers as they purchase, experience, evaluate and repurchase products and services in the marketplace.

  • Details the economics of customer retention and introduces the Customer Experience Model, which describes four main components affecting a customer's purchase-consumption-repurchase cycle-(1) perception, judgment, and choice processes, (2) the consumption experience and its evaluation, (3) external market information, and (4) customers' internal knowledge base.

  • Introduces national satisfaction indices and illustrate their value through an analysis of customer satisfaction and competition in the automobile industry.

  • Closes coverage by focusing on the implementation of quality improvements, first in using customer information to design revolutionary products and services, then by outlining the implementation of all Four Phases of Customer Orientation and introducing Quality Function Deployment as a method for translating customer priorities into their means of accomplishment.


1. A Customer Orientation.
2. Market Action.
3. Understanding and Anticipating Customer Needs.

4. The Customer Experience Model.
5. Customers in the Market Place.
6. Customer Information Processing.
7. Customer Choice.
8. Customer Satisfaction and Priority Setting.
9. Macro Satisfaction and Firm Strategy.

10. Customer Orientation and the Design Function.
11. From Customer Satisfaction to Quality Improvement.

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