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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 1999, wydanie IV

cena netto: 400.00 Twoja cena  380,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Business Logistics Management

This book is about the vital subject of business logistics-an area of management that has been observed to absorb more than 30 percent of the sales dollar for some firms, that is an essential element in meeting customer service goals, and that can be essential to a firm's competitive strategy. It has been described by many names, including physical distribution, materials management, transportation management, and supply chain management. The activities to be managed may include all or part of the following: transportation, inventory maintenance, order processing, per-chasing, warehousing, materials handling, packaging, customer service standards, and product scheduling.

The focus of this book is on the planning, organising, and controlling of these activities-key elements to successful management in any organisation. Special emphasis is given to strategy planning and decision making as perhaps the most important parts of the management process. The mission of this managerial effort is to set the level of the logistics activities so as to mąkę products and services available to customers at the time, the place, and in the condition and form desired, in the most profitable or cost-effective way.

Because logistics activities have always been vital to companies and organisations, the field of business logistics represents a synthesis of many concepts, principles, and methods from the more traditional areas of marketing, production, accounting, per-chasing, and transportation, as well as from the disciplines of applied mathematics, or-ganizational behaviour, and economics. This book attempts to unify these into a logical body of thought that can lead to the effective management of the supply chain.

As with any field of management, there are frequently changing terms to capture the methods and concepts of business logistics. An attempt has been made to resist following the popular press and fads, and to present the ideas, principles, and techniques that are fundamental to good business logistics practice.

This book contains LOGWARE, a Windows package of 15 software modules. Its purpose is to support and extend the methods presented in the text. A number of case studies and end-of-chapter problems are also included that utilise the software modules to enrich their analysis. The modules are special-purpose programs for logistics problem solving such as single and multifacility location, vehicle routing and scheduling, forecasting, inventory management, and warehouse layout.

A number of general-purpose programs are also included, such as linear programming (simplex and transportation methods), integer programming, multiple regression, and distance estimation. LOGWARE is designed to be user-friendly for data input, operation, and results presentation so that it will be an integral part of a student's or an analyst's logistics decision-making tool kit.

680 pages

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