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James C. Van Horne , Stanford University

Published September 1997 by Prentice Hall Business Publishing

Copyright 1998, 292 pp.Paper ISBN 0-13-889460-4
This book covers interest rates and financial risk management while providing a conceptual basis from which to understand interest rates, interest-rate differentials, financial market equilibration, risk, and risk shifting. Financial risk management is a theme throughout.

  • Emphasizes financial risk management throughout especially as it relates to volatility, call risk, and default risk.

  • Reflects current developments in interest rates, financial institutions, and financial innovations.

  • Considers term structure models as they apply to spot rates of interests and to derivative securities.

  • Considers the volatility of bond prices with respect to coupon rate and maturity, and convexity.

  • Offers an extensive exploration into currency risk as it affects a foreign bond portfolio.

  • Explore the arbitrage equilibration between financial markets and likely changes that accompany change in the institutional environment.
    1. The Function of Financial Markets.
    2. The Flow-of-Funds System.
    3. Foundations for Interest Rates.
    4. Prices and Yields for Bonds and Money Market Instruments.
    5. Inflation and Returns.
    6. The Term Structure of Interest Rates.
    7. Price Volatility, Coupon Rate, and Maturity.
    8. The Default-Risk Structure of Interest Rates.
    9. Derivative Securities: Interest-Rate Futures.
    10. Derivative Securities: Options.
    11. Derivative Securities: Swaps.
    12. Embedded Options and Option-Adjusted Spreads.
    13. Mortgage Securities and Prepayment Risk.
    14. Controlling Currency Risk.
    15. The Influence of Taxes.
    16. The Social Allocation of Capital.

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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 1998, wydanie I

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