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wydawnictwo: FT , rok wydania 1998, wydanie I

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International Financial Accounting

A Comparative Approach

This comprehensive text book examines why differences and similarities in accounting systems exist across national boundaries and analyses the significance of these differences to accounts users, preparers, standards setters and capital markets. The authors' present a focused treatment of comparative financial accounting and reporting, recognising that common components of current international accounting courses such as accounting for MNEs and financial management, will increasingly be the subject of separate study.
Academically, the subject is a rich area for research and for challenging students intellectually and introducing them to issues which will not only broaden their outlook but also deepen their understanding of their own reporting regime. The book is written by experienced researchers and lecturers, is well illustrated with cases studies, and presents lecturers with an authoritative and helpful teaching package. text developed by experienced team of educators and researchers in international accounting numerous features such as examples, case studies, learning objectives, summaries, further reading, questions, and full lecturer support consistent format and style of chapters within country studies section appropriate depth of treatment and coverage for undergraduate students, focusing on comparative aspects and eschewing international finance and MNEs country studies all checked by specialist national experts

Part 1 International diversity in financial reporting systems
1.Factors influencing financial accounting and reporting practices Factors influencing
development of accounting systems / Political, economic, legal and taxation systems / Corporate
financing / Accounting profession / Other influences
2.The role of culture in explaining financial accounting and reporting practices Defining
culture / Culture and business / Culture and accounting
3.Measuring the extent of differences in accounting practices Sources of differences, Their
importance / How to measure differences in figures reported and methods used
4.The classification of accounting systems Types of classification schemes / Deductive
classifications / Inductive classifications
5.The International Accounting Standards Committee Towards international co-operation /
Objectives / Organisation / Operation of the IASC / Standard setting by the IASC / Framework
6.International Accounting Standards - Technical summary and link with national practices
Disclosure and presentation / Asset recognition and measurement / Liability / Recognition and
measurement / Recognition of economic activity / Measurement / Group accounting / Specialist
Part 2 Country Studies
(Chapters 8-17 all have the following contents about the nation: Domestic ecological influences / External
influences / Institutions / Societal culture and accounting sub-culture / The accounting system / Impact of
accounting differences)
7.Introduction to the European Union Origins and nature / How laws are made / Fourth directive /
Seventh directive / Future developments
8.The UK
11.The Netherlands
12.The USA
Part 3 Reactions to international diversity
18.Corporate reactions to international diversity
Reactions of multinationals / How accounting differences act to segment capital markets / How this
affects financing and reporting strategies of companies / Stock market reactions
19.User reactions to international diversity
Shareholder investment strategies / Stock selection methods / Stock market listing requirements /
International harmonisation of listing requirements
Glossary, Index
P D Gordon
Lecturer in Accounting and Finance at Heriot-Watt University
C B Roberts
Professor of Accounting at the University of Aberdeen
P Weetman
Professor of Accounting at Heriot-Watt University

694 pages

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