DEITEL HARVEY M. DEITEL PAUL NIETO T.R. wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 1999, wydanie 1 cena netto: 235.00 Twoja cena 223,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka Paul
Deitel Harvey M. Deitel T.R. Nieto , all from Deitel and Associates
December 1998 by Engineering/Science/Mathematics
1999, 1015 pp. Paper Bound w/CD-ROM ISBN
introductory through advanced level courses in Visual Basic.
latest book in the Deitels' How to Program Series of worldwide programming language
bestsellers, this is one of the first books on the newest version of Microsoft's Visual
Basic-Visual Basic 6. Designed for beginning through experienced programmers,
it includes hundreds of complete working programs-totaling more than 10,000 lines of
code-numerous valuable programming tips, and hundreds of interesting and challenging
expertise and insights of Dr. Harvey Deitel and Paul Deitel-Authors of the world's
best-selling C, C++, and Java textbooks-and their colleague, T.R. Nieto.
learn from the best in the field. Deitel & Associates, Inc. is an internationally
recognized corporate training organization specializing in programming languages and
object technology training. Organizations worldwide have adopted the Deitel programming
guidelines as a fundamental set of software engineering standards.
of the most recent Visual Basic topics-e.g., graphical user interfaces,
object-oriented programming, databases, multimedia, networking, VB Script, COM, DCOM,
ActiveX and Visual Basic for Applications.
CD-ROM-Contains source code, hyperlinks to VB resources, and the Working Model
Edition of VB6.
Deitels' innovative "live-code approach"-Every concept is taught in the context
of complete working Visual Basic programs. Windows show the inputs line and outputs that
are produced as each program runs.
of the Deitels' special programming tips.
Interactive Multimedia Cyber Classroom CD-ROM.
Computing Concepts. Introduction. What Is a Computer? Computer Organization. Evolution
of Operating Systems. Personal Computing, Distributed Computing, and Client/Server
Computing. Machine Languages, Assembly Languages, and High-level Languages. History of
Visual Basic. Other High-level Languages. Structured Programming. What Is Visual Basic?
General Notes About Visual Basic and This Book. A Tour of the Book.
Integrated Development Environment. Introduction. Integrated Development Environment
Overview. Project Window. Toolbox. Form Layout Window. Properties Window. Menu Bar and
Tool Bar. A Simple Program: Displaying a Line of Text.
Introduction to Visual Basic Programming. Introduction. Visual Programming and
Event-Driven Programming. A Simple Program: Printing a Line of Text on the Form. Another
Simple Program: Adding Integers. Memory Concepts. Arithmetic. Operator Precedence.
Decision Making: Comparison Operators.
Control Structures: Part I. Introduction. Algorithms. Pseudocode. Introduction to
Control Structures. If/Then Selection Structure. If/Then/Else Selection Structure. While
Repetition Structure. Do While Repetition Structure. Do Until Repetition Structure.
Formulating Algorithms: Case Study 1 (Counter-Controlled Repetition). Formulating
Algorithms with Top-down, Stepwise Refinement: Case Study 2 (Sentinel-Controlled
Repetition). Formulating Algorithms with Top-down, Stepwise Refinement: Case Study 3
(Nested Control Structures).
Control Structures: Part II. Introduction. Essentials of Counter-Controlled
Repetition. For Repetition Structure. Examples Using the For/Next Repetition Structure.
Select Case Multiple-Selection Structure. Do/Loop While Repetition Structure. Do/Loop
Until Repetition Structure. Exit Do and Exit For Statements. Data Type Boolean. Constant
Variables. Logical Operators. Structured Programming Summary. Visual Basic Data Types.
6. Sub
Procedures and Function Procedures. Introduction. Form Modules. Sub Procedures.
Function Procedures. Call-by-Value vs. Call-by-Reference. Exit Sub and Exit Function.
Storage Classes. Scope Rules. Random Number Generation. Example: A Game of Chance.
Recursion and the Factorial Function. Another Recursion Example: The Fibonacci Series.
Recursion vs. Iteration. Optional Arguments. Named Arguments. Visual Basic Math Functions.
Code Modules.
Arrays. Introduction. Arrays. Declaring Arrays. Examples Using Arrays. Passing Arrays
To Procedures. Sorting Arrays. Searching Arrays: Linear Search and Binary Search.
Multidimensional Arrays. Control Arrays. Dynamic Arrays. Variable Arguments: Param Array.
Function Array.
Strings, Dates and Times. Introduction. Fundamentals of Characters and Strings. String
Data Type. String Concatenation with & and +. Comparing Character Strings. Operator
Like. Manipulating the Individual Characters in a String: Mid$. Left$, Right$, and InStr.
Searching for Substrings in Strings using InStr and InStrRev. LTrim$, RTrim$ and Trim$.
String$ and Spaces$. Replacing Substrings in a String with Function Replace. Reversing
Strings with Function StrReverse. Converting Strings to Uppercase and Lowercase.
Conversion Functions. String Formatting. Date and Time Processing. Date and Time
Formatting. String Arrays.
Graphics. Introduction. Coordinate Systems. Drawing Methods. Drawing Properties. Line
Control and Shape Control. Colors. Images. Printer Object.
Basic Graphical User Interface Concepts. Introduction. Controls. TextBox Control.
MaskEdit Control. ComboBox Control. ListBox Control. Scrollbars. Slider Control. Menus.
Pop-up Menus. Function MsgBox.
Advanced Graphical User Interface Concepts. Introduction. Multiple Document Interface
(MDI). Multiple Forms. Template Forms. Rich TextBox Control. UpDown Control. ImageList
Control. ImageCombo Control. FlatScrollBar Control (Professional and Enterprise Editions).
Native Code Compilation (Professional and Enterprise Editions).
Mouse and Keyboard. Introduction. Changing the Shape of the Mouse Pointer. Mouse
Events. Mouse Buttons. Shift, Ctrl and Alt Keys. Drag-and-Drop. Key Events. Key Preview
Error Handling and Debugging. Introduction. When Error Handling Should Be Used. A
Simple Error-Handling Example: Divide by Zero. Nested On Error Statements. Err Object.
Resume Statement. Error Handlers and the Call Stack. Rethrowing Errors. Break Mode, the
Immediate Window, and the Debug Object. First Steps in Bug Prevention. Debugging
Strategies. Debugger. Debugger and Error Handlers.
Sequential File Processing. Introduction. DirListBox, FileListBox, and DriveListBox
Controls. Data Hierarchy. File System Objects. Creating a Sequential Access File. Reading
Data from a Sequential Access File. Updating Sequential Access Files.
Records and Random-Access Files. Introduction. Random-Access Files. Records as
User-Defined Types. Creating a Random-Access File. Writing Data Randomly to a
Random-Access File. Reading Data Sequentially from a Random-Access File. Reading Randomly
from a Random-Access File. Example: A Transaction Processing Program.
Object-Oriented Programming. Introduction. Data Abstraction and Information Hiding.
Implementing a Time Abstract Data Type with a Class. Class Members. Composition: Objects
as Instance Variables of Other Classes. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming.
Software Engineering with Components. Type Fields and Select Case Statements.
Polymorphism. Visual Basic Interfaces. Polymorphism Examples. Case Study: IShape, CPoint,
Ccircle. Case Study: A Payroll System Using Polymorphism. Case Study: Polymorphic
Processing of Shapes. Simulating Implementation Inheritance with Interface Inheritance and
Delegation. Object Browser. Events and Classes.
ActiveX. Introduction. Components, COM and DCOM. ActiveX Control Types. ActiveX
Control Lifetime and Events. UserControl Object. Creating an ActiveX Control That Contains
Constituent Controls. ActiveX Control Example: Clock Control. ActiveX Control Interface
Wizard. Property Pages and the Property Page Wizard. ActiveX DLLs. ActiveX EXEs. Friend
Database Management. Introduction. Database Systems. Relational Database Model.
Introducing the Microsoft ADO Data Control 6.0 and Microsoft DataGrid Control 6.0.
Relational Database Overview: The Biblio.mdb Database. Structured Query Language.
Revisiting the A DO Data Control and DataGrid Control. Hierarchical FlexGrid Control.
DataList and DataCombo Controls. Using the Data Environment Designer. Other Programmatic
Capabilities of Recordsets. Transaction Processing.
Networking, the Internet and the World Wide Web. Introduction. Visual Basic Internet
Controls. WebBrowser Control. Internet Transfer Control. Other Properties, Methods and
Events of the Internet Transfer Control. Winsock Control. Example: Client/Server
Interaction with the Winsock Control . Winsock Control and UDP-Based Client/Server
Computing. Other Properties, Methods and Events of the Winsock Control. Visual Basic
Script (VBScript): An Overview.
Multimedia: Images, Animation, Audio. Introduction. Microsoft Agent Control.
Multimedia MCI Control. Animation Control. RealAudio ActiveX Control Library. Marquee
Control Library. Microsoft ActiveMovie Control.
Data Structures, Collections and Dictionaries. Introduction. Type Variant.
Self-Referential Classes. Dynamic Memory Allocation. Linked Lists. Stacks. Queues. Trees.
Collection Object. Dictionary Object.
Appendix A: Operator Precedence Chart.
Appendix B: ANSI Character Set.
Appendix C: Visual Basic Internet and World Wide Web Resources.
Appendix D: Number Systems.
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