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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 1999, wydanie I

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George M. Marakas , Indiana University, Bloomington

Published November 1998 by Prentice Hall Business Publishing

Copyright 1999, 506 pp. Cloth ISBN 0-13-744186-X

For a Decision Support System course offered in business schools.

Packed with essential information, this valuable text helps future business management professionals learn to make and support managerial decisions, providing a thorough understanding of the support aspect of DSS. Written from a cognitive processes and decision-making perspective, it concentrates on issues that emphasize managerial applications and the implication of decision support technology on those issues.

Would you like a brief, managerially focused DSS text with extensive web support?

  • Provides a strong managerial application and use approach throughout, focusing content toward a distinctly "real-world " orientation with an emphasis in all topic areas on application and implementation over design and developments.

  • Covers the processes involved in making creative decisions and effectively solving problems, showing students different ways to think (logical/lateral thinking), free association techniques, and acquainting them with intelligent agents in decision support.

  • Considers the future of decision support systems (expert systems, artificial intelligence systems, and executive information systems).

  • Offers extensive coverage of decision-making theory, devoting beginning chapters to a range of discussions that delve into decision styles, decision effectiveness, cognitive processes, and organizational culture.

  • Offers extensive use of graphics and examples, and strikes a careful balance in its writing style between professional and conversational tone.

  • Begins each chapter with a thought-provoking and concept-enriching Mini-Case derived from an actual situation to give students a specific point of reference for the topic under discussion.

  • Contains a full chapter on data mining, exploring stores, warehouses, and marts; the data warehouse architecture; metadata; data warehouse technologies; and the future of data warehousing.

  • Enables students to broaden their resource base by giving them access to a dedicated web site that contains over three thousand direct links to DSS-related Internet sites. (www.prenhall. com/marakas). The Companion Website allows instructors to download supplements and additional data sets. Includes an interactive study guide, and links to DSS software and data sets.

(NOTE: Each chapter beings with Learning Objectives and a Mini-Case, and concludes with a Chapter Summary, Key Concepts, Questions for Review, and Further Discussion.)
1. Introduction to Decision Support Systems. Mini-Case: Mervyn's Department Store.
2. The Decision Maker. Mini-Case: Disaster at Tenerife.
3. The Process of Making a Decision. Mini-Case: Philips Petroleum Product Pricing.
4. Decisions in the Organization. Mini-Case: The Cuban Missle Crisis.
5. Modeling Decision Processes. Mini-Case: What Were the Odds of This Happening? The Exxon Valdez.
6. Group Decision Support and Groupware Technologies. Mini-Case: Plano Police Department.
7. Executive Information Systems. Mini-Case: AlliedSignal.
8. Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence. Mini-Case: Expert Systems Assist in Fraud Detection.
9. Knowledge Engineering and Acquisition. Mini-Case: Robotrader and Christine's Brain.
10. Machines That Can Learn. Mini-Case: Chase Manhattan Bank Credit Scoring System.
11. The Data Warehouse. Mini-Case: Capital One.
12. Data Mining and Visualization. Mini-Case: The National Basketball Association Gets a "Jump" on Data Mining.
13. Designing and Building Decision Support Systems. Mini-Case: Rapid Prototyping the Allkauf Information System.
14. Implementing and Integrating Decision Support Systems. Mini-Case: 3Com ASSIST Customer Service Web Site.
15. Creative Decision Making and Problem-Solving.Mini-Case: Fishing for New Ideas.
16. Decision Support in the Twenty-First Century.
Appendix A: Decision Style Inventory III.

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