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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 420.00 Twoja cena  399,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


Barbara E. Quinn , CAIL Consulting Group.
Robert S. Cooke , CAIL Consulting Group
Andrew Kris , Shared Services Forum
Published April 2000 by PTR (ECS Professional)

Copyright 2000, 234 pp. Cloth ISBN 0-273-64455-6

1. The Search for Gold.
Staff Functions Are Big Business. Staff Groups as Monopolies. Duplication and Decentralization Are Passé. The Split Personality of Staff Roles: Wearing Two Hats. Strategies for Staff Functions.
2. Knowing What to Mine.
The Birth of Shared Services. When Staff Groups Fail to Give Clients What They Want. Why Charge-Back Is Fundamental. A Continuum of Shared Services Models. Basic Shared Services: It Is More Than Consolidation. The Marketplace Model. The Advanced Marketplace Model. Shared Services as an Independent Business. Conclusion.
3. The Route Towards the Implementation of Shared Services.
The Feasibility of Shared Services for the Organization. An Analysis of the Current State. Outsourcing. Designing the Approach to Shared Services. Implementation and Ongoing Operations.
4. Scoping Shared Services: Defining the Borders.
The Scope of Potential Functions. Defining the Borders. The Culture and Strategic Orientation. Conclusion.
5. Shared Services Cannot Be Sold. It Can Only Be Bought.
Executive Team Dynamics and Its Impact on Shared Services. Traditional Model: Vertical Business Units. Integrated Executive Teams. The Executive Presentation.
6. The Initial Size-Up: Understanding Where You Are.
The "As Is" Picture - Current Products and Services. The "As Is" Picture - Current Products and Service Costs. The "As Is" Picture - Comparison to External Benchmarks. The "As Is" Picture - Client Satisfaction. Building the Business Case to Proceed.
7. Strategic Outsourcing.
Possible Motives for Outsourcing. Governance Not For Sale. Dilemmas in Outsourcing. The Future of Outsourcing.
8. Organizing and Leading Shared Services.
Shared Services as a Separate Entity. Separation of Shared Services from Governance Functions. Separation of Transactional Processing from Professional and Advisory Services. Shared Services Reporting. Internal Structures of Shared Services Organizations. Locating Shared Services Centers. Locating in Europe. The Culture and Language of Location. Leading the Shared Services Organization. Leading the Transactional Processing Center. Leading Professional and Advisory Services.
9. The Foundation for Success.
Key Operating Principles for Shared Services Success. Pricing Models. Service Level Agreements. Internal Billing for Services. Time Tracking.
10. Creating a Culture of Commitment.
Staff Intrigues and Concerns with Shared Services. The Dynamics of Employee Buy-in and Commitment. A Clean Sweep. Training Clients to Love Us. Critical Activities to Ensure the Success of Shared Services. Primary and Secondary Strategies for Shifting the Culture.
11. Evolving the Shared Services Business.
A Vision for Shared Services. Translating Vision into Action. Clients Are Not Wrong. Marketing Activities for Shared Services Groups.
12. Measuring and Evaluating Success.
The Burden of Proof. The Balanced Scorecard. What Internal Clients Want. A Quality Framework. Learning and Growth Metrics. Financial Metrics: Costs and Cost Savings. Internal Metrics: Productivity and Product Performance. Customer Metrics. Special Challenges for Marketplace and Advanced Marketplace Models. What Internal Shared Services Consultants Must Do to Succeed.
13. Fast Forward.
Shared Services as Part of the Future. Pan-European Companies Mean Pan-European Shared Services. A Business in a Marketplace. The Image of Internal Charging. The Liberalization and Resettlement of Governance. Whose Policy Is It Anyway<63> Independent Business. Outsourcing's Rise and Fall. The Consulting Implosion.

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