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wydawnictwo: ADDISON-WESLEY , rok wydania 1998, wydanie I

cena netto: 322.00 Twoja cena  305,90 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka



ISBN 0-201-85572-2 526pp

"At last, a mathematical methods book that clearly motivates each tool through prominent economic examples without sacrificing comprehensiveness or rigor. The multitude of applications-derived from labor economics, public finance, macroeconomics, and international trade, to name just a few of the areas visited-admirably serves to engage and instruct the student." Maurice Obstfeld, Class of 1958 Professor of Economics, University of California at Berkeley

"This book should be a big hit with students and instructors alike. By skillfully interweaving a variety of compelling economic examples, Michael Klein makes his presentation of core mathematical methods come to life." Jeremy Stein, JC Penney Professor of Management, MIT, Sloan School of Business

MATHEMATICAL METHODS for ECONOMICS uses an applications-oriented approach to teach mathematical tools in the context of current and classic economic examples. This first edition is clearly written and successfully demonstrates how mathematics is used to solve economic problems across a wide range of fields including microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic growth, international trade, open-economy macroeconomics, finance, labor, and environmental economics.


A rich variety of economic applications drawn from a wide range of fields.

A modular structure that permits easy customization for the undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral level.

Coverage of important mathematical techniques including optimization, dynamic analysis, and dynamic optimization.

Plentiful graphs and numerical examples that develop mathematical concepts and build economic intuition.

A wide selection of end-of-section exercises that provide continual reinforcement and testing opportunity.

Visit http://www.awl.com to access the Addison Wesley Longman web site.

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