Project Management
2nd Edition
Harvey Maylor
The first edition aimed to
provide an accessible text on project management for students and a teachable text for
lecturers. For the second edition, the author has significantly expanded and revised the
book based on feedback from lecturers and practitioners.
extensively expanded and
revised following lecturer and practitioner feedback to become a fully comprehensive
course text
includes a guide to the
relationship of chapter contents to key taught courses
applied to project management in practice throughout.
1. The nature and context of project management
Introduction and objectives of the book
The three phases of project management
The 7-S framework of project management
Current issues in project management/ The project as a conversion process
The project environment
The complexity of projects/ The relationship between project and line management
An historical perspective of project management
Introduction to the following chapters
2. Strategy in project management
The role of strategy in project management
The strategy process
Resolving trade-off decisions in strategy
Deploying strategy
Stakeholder marketing
3. Modelling the project system - overview models
Work breakdown structure
Process mapping
Building-in check points: the use of `gated' processes
Concurrent us sequential models
4. Modelling the project system - detail models
Time planning - tools and techniques
Cost planning - tools and techniques, budgets
Resource allocation
5. Analysing plans
Analysing time plans
Analysing cost plans
Analysing quality plans
Risk and contingency
Project justification and evaluation
6. Project structures - teams and organisation
The role of teams
The pure project organisation
Matrix management
Structure selection
Life cycles of teams
Managing personalities in teams
Effective teamwork
Managing the team - running effective meetings
7. Management and leadership in project environments
The role of leadership and management in projects
The requirements of a successful project manager
Individual skills and attitudes
Individual motivation
Structural implications for project managers
Cultural implications for project managers
Management style
The development of management thinking
The development of new management paradigms
8. Control of projects
Control systems
Control of major constraints - quality
Control of major constraints - cost and time
Other control elements - environmental constraints
Project management information systems
Stage-gate approach to project control
Change control
Managing and controlling suppliers and contractors
Control of work of development projects - Intellectual property
9. Problem solving and decision making
The problem framework
Modelling systems for decision making
Handling uncertainty in decision making
Mathematical modelling techniques
Problem-solving tools
Cause-effect-cause analysis
Decision trees
Simple decision frameworks
Decision-support systems
The implications for decision makers of random events
The importance of the follow-up actions
10. Process improvement- major influences on process change
Structuring improvement activities - learning by doing and learning before doing
Learning by doing - the role of audit and review
Learning before doing - the role of external knowledge
Major influences on process change (1) - Total quality management
Major influences on process change (2) - Business process re-engineering
Major influences on process change (3) - Lean project management
Major influences on process change (4) - Benchmarking
Implementing changes to processes
Future challenges for project management