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wydawnictwo: JOSSEY-BASS , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 165.00 Twoja cena  156,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Open your next training session with a BANG!

Choose from these fifty fun, interactive, engaging openers and energizers and the eleven bonus activities to get your participants in the mood to learn!

Are your participants showing up your sessions with their minds back at the office? With their heads already "full" of the details and responsibilities of their jobs? They may even view your training session as more of an interruption than an opportunity to learn. How do you get their attention?

One of the hardest tasks you'll face as a trainer is pulling participants' thoughts away their daily duties long enough to engage them in your training. According to training master Bob Pike, two of the most important learning concepts are "primacy" and "recency." People don't remember middles, they remember beginnings (primacy) and ends (recency). That's why, if you want your training to be a success, you have to grab their attention as soon as they walk in the door.

Following up the success of 50 Creative Training Closers, the most trusted and recognized names in training bring you 50 Creative Training Openers and Energizers. These lively, interactive session openers, ice breakers, and attention grabbers are what you need to inspire continued application, learning, and skill development. And you don't have to be a professional trainer to use this collection: business presenters and educators of all kinds can quickly incorporate these creative designs into their work.

About the Authors

Bob Pike, CSP, CPAE, has been a pioneer in the HRD industry since 1969. Pike has well earned his reputation as the "trainer's trainer." He is founder and president of Creative Training Techniques International, Inc. A prolific author, Pike has written or edited over 20 books, seminars, and training videos. He is the editor of the popular Creative Training Techniques Newsletter. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Lynn Solem was a senior trainer at Creative Training Techniques International, Inc., and an inductee into the United Nations Women's Hall of Fame.

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