
ALTER S. wydawnictwo: ADDISON-WESLEY , rok wydania 1999, wydanie III cena netto: 243.01 Twoja cena 230,86 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka 3rd Edition
Steven Alter
1999 544 pages 0201-52108-3
The third edition of Information
Systems: A Management Perspective is built around a practical, widely applicable
approach for analyzing IT-enabled systems from a business viewpoint. Its ambitions go far
beyond merely covering current vocabulary for talking about information systems and
technology. It couches its entire coverage in terms of a systems analysis approach
developed with the help of students who used these ideas to write papers about information
systems in real business settings.
Cases illustrate key points
throughout the book.
Provides extensive coverage
of current topics including electronic commerce, hypertext, Java and more.
Web site supplements the
material in the text and provides links to the most current material.
In each chapter, the Web Site
links to additional recent case material that is readily available through the web,
including many questions for discussion.
Po otrzymaniu zamówienia poinformujemy, czy wybrany tytuł polskojęzyczny lub
anglojęzyczny jest aktualnie na półce księgarni.