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wydawnictwo: JOSSEY-BASS , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 130.00 Twoja cena  123,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


"This is the best book I've read on performance measurement-and I've read a lot. Finally, a practical book that not only tells you why, but also tells you where, when, and how through an easily read and engaging story that flows throughout the book. I would give Performance Scorecards a 10 on every dimension-understandable, highly readable, and most of all, practical!"

-Jack Grayson, chairman, American Productivity & Quality Center

"If you want a practical framework for focusing on the critical elements of success through measures, this book is for you. It makes a complex subject-developing and cascading a scorecard of measures-easy to understand and easy to apply."

-Tina Sung, president and CEO, American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)

"Business schools too often fail to provide students with an integrated, systematic view of the corporation and the tools to definitively link strategic plans, operations, and business results. Both shortcomings are eliminated by Performance Scorecards. This book should be required reading for all current and former MBA students."

-P. George Benson, dean, Terry College of Business, University of Georgia

"Any business leader who is serious about measuring the real drivers of performance should read this book. The authors clearly understand the speed of business and they've designed an approach with that in mind. The message is straightforward, sensible, and practical."

-John Cone', vice president. Dell Learning, Dell Computer Corporation

"Performance Scorecards is a must read for corporate leaders trying to wade through the reams of data and information that hit their in-baskets on a daily basis. Establishing a scorecard that accurately measures a company's strategic goals and objectives is the only way to know if and when your company, your department, or your work group is successful. This book provides a clear and concise guide to developing such a scorecard."

-Sheila T. Harretl, vice president, customer service strategic planning and analysis, electronic commerce and customer services, FedEx Corporation

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