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wydawnictwo: JOSSEY-BASS , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 130.00 Twoja cena  123,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Rewording Team

Surefire Practices from the World's Top Team-Based Companies

Using actual case studies from a variety of leading companies, Rewarding Teams provides a blueprint for building team reward programs that spur development and success. The book focuses on the three most important types of team-based rewards programs- recognition plans, project team incentives, and group incentives-offering readers detailed advice on how they can create and implement such programs themselves. Twenty-seven profiles of team reward and recognition plans from today's top companies give readers an in-depth look at how these plans work in actual practice. They also provide the basis for the set of best principles included in the final chapter.

"In today's world, where virtual, global teams are often the norm. Rewarding Teams delivers reward and recognition strategies that can make a real difference in the effective management of teams-a necessity for individuals and organizations in the twenty-first century."

- Tim Walker, director, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Center for Leadership Development

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