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wydawnictwo: JOSSEY-BASS , rok wydania 1998, wydanie I

cena netto: 128.00 Twoja cena  121,60 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


There's a whole new way of doing business today that's fast capturing the imagination of the corporate world. Taking their cue from the so-called virtual corporation, companies are forming strategic alliance networks they can leverage whenever a choice marketplace opportunity arises. In this indispensable resource, two experts in business alliance formation one from world-renowned Andersen Consulting; the other, a top networking consultant offer a wealth of hard-won advice on how to build profitable and productive alliance networks.

The Power of Two provides a broad framework and specific techniques for creating and managing strategic networks and collaborations that can be leveraged for all sorts of opportunities. Drawing from their own extensive first-hand experience facilitating dozens of corporate alliances, the authors have created a groundbreaking work filled with new thoughts, fresh perspectives, and innovative strategies businesses can use to effectively partner with competitors, smaller and larger companies, and organizations with dissimilar cultures.

Observing that successful alliances most often stem from relationships between individuals rather than corporations, the authors explain how companies can identify and empower "alliance champions" within their organizations people with the contacts and ability to establish networks and manage them effectively. They also show how to build speed and flexibility into an alliance. How to avoid conflicts that typically undermine an otherwise productive partnership. How to establish rules of engagement that will keep the alliance running smoothly. And how to know when to end one alliance and begin another.

Clear, concrete, and eminently practical, The Power of Two provides methods for building a network of strategic alliances that will give companies the immediate agility, flexibility, and extended reach they need to respond competitively amidst rapidly shifting market conditions. Packed with real-world examples and complete with assessment tools and charts this is the most authoritative, user-friendly guide to forging successful alliance networks now available.


John K. Conlon is a director of alliances at Andersen Consulting. For the past fourteen years, he has worked with senior executives of some of the nation's most successful corporations on the development and implementation of alliance strategy.

Melissa Giovagnoli is president of Service Showcase a management consulting and training organization located in the greater Chicago area and author of four books. She frequently appears on radio and TV and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal.

192 pages

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