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wydawnictwo: PH , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 260.00 Twoja cena  247,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The authoritative introduction to Internet and World Wide Web Programming.

The Internet and the World Wide Web are revolutionizing software development with multimedia-intensive, platform-independent code for conventional Internet-, Intranet- and Extranet-based applications. This college-level textbook carefully explains how to program multitiered, client/server, database-intensive, Web-based applications.

Authors Harvey and Paul Deitel are the principals of Deitel & Associates, Inc., the

internationally-recognized training and consulting organization specializing in Java(tm), C++, C, Visual Basic(r), object technology, and Internet and World Wide Web programming training. They are also the authors of the best-selling college-level textbooks including C++ How to Program (2/e), Java How to Program (3/e), C How to Program (2/e) and Visual Basic(r) 6 How to Program. The Deitels and their colleague Tern Nieto introduce the fundamentals of Internet and World Wide Web programming. Key topics include:

  • Client-side and server-side scripting, objects
  • HTML, JavaScript(tm)/JScript, VBScript
  • ActiveX(tm) Controls, graphics, GUI, events
  • Database: SQL, ADO, RDS, data binding
  • Electronic commerce, SSL, SET(tm), cryptography
  • ASP, Perl/CGI, Servlets
  • Dynamic HTML, XML
  • Multimedia, animation
  • Audio, video, speech
  • PWS, US, Apache, Jigsaw

Internet and World Wide Web How to Program includes:

  • Hundreds of "live-code" programs with screen captures that show exact outputs
  • Extensive exercises (many with answers) accompanying every chapter
  • Hundreds of tips, recommended practices and cautions-marked with these icons

Internet and World Wide Web How to Program is the centerpiece of a family of resources for teaching and learning Internet and World Wide Web programming, including a Web site (http://www.prenhall.com/deitel) with the book's code examples and other information for faculty, students and professional programmers; an optional interactive CD-ROM (Internet and World Wide Web Multimedia Cyber Classroom) containing extensive interactivity features-such as thousands of hyperlinks and audio walkthroughs of the code examples in Internet and JSBN D-13-01bl43-fl World Wide Web How to Program-and e-mail access to the authors at deitel@deitel.com

1156 pages

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