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wydawnictwo: BLACKWELL , rok wydania 2007, wydanie V

cena netto: 320.00 Twoja cena  304,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Futures, Options, and Swaps
Fifth Edition
James A. Overdahl (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) and Robert Kolb (University of Colorado, Boulder)

"This is a revision of an already excellent textbook that has a very clear way of explaining the often difficult concepts that the student needs to understand in this very technical subject area. What I particularly like is the careful way the text builds up the material in a simple style without skipping any steps. This incremental approach makes it a very useful teaching resource. The book clearly knows what it is trying to do and makes no assumption about the knowledge level of the reader. I also like the way material is presented through the use of concrete examples."
Peter Moles, University of Edinburgh

Written in an accessible, non-technical style, "Futures, Options, and Swaps" is the most comprehensive text on derivatives markets available. As the only book to utilize such a reader-friendly, instructive approach, students will find the material readily comprehensible without a professor's guidance, thereby freeing instructors to cover only the vital topics, or to teach a more technical course.

This fifth edition has been extensively revised to address the most recent developments in this rapidly evolving field. New and updated information reflects current conditions in a variety of areas, including electronic trading platforms, globalization of markets, hedge funds, financial scandals involving derivatives, and government regulation. Also new to this edition are text boxes containing anecdotes or vignettes related to topics discussed more formally in the text, and product profiles to describe some of the more successful contracts around the world and to highlight innovative or unusual features of traded contracts. The treatment in this text emphasizes financial derivatives, but it does not neglect traditional commodity futures.

An accompanying website can be found online at www.blackwellpublishing.com/kolb, containing the OPTION! program that allows the user to compute virtually every option and swap value discussed in this book, as well as many of the relationships among different option prices. The website also includes more than 80 exercises designed to enhance the understanding of option pricing principles and applications.

Robert W. Kolb holds the Frank W. Considine Chair in Applied Ethics at Loyola University Chicago. He was formerly Assistant Dean for Business and Society (2003-2006) at the University of Colorado, and John S. and James L. Knight Professor of Finance at the University of Miami. He is author and co-author of numerous texts in finance, including Futures, Options, and Swaps, 5e (with James A. Overdahl, Blackwell, 2007) and Understanding Futures Markets, 6e (with James A. Overdahl, Blackwell, 2006).

James A. Overdahl is Chief Economist at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in Washington, D.C., and has held senior positions at the Risk Analysis Division at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and at the Securities and Exchange Commission. He has been an adjunct professor of finance at Georgetown University, the University of Maryland, George Washington University, and Johns Hopkins University.

Table of Contents



1. Introduction

2. Futures Markets

3. Futures Prices

4. Using Futures Markets

5. Interest Rate Futures: An Introduction

6. Interest Rate Futures: Refinements

7. Security Futures Products: An Introduction

8. Security Futures Products: Refinements

9. Foreign Exchange Futures

10. The Options Market

11. Option Payoffs and Option Strategies

12. Bounds on Option Prices

13. European Option Pricing

14. Option Sensitivities and Option Hedging

15. American Option Pricing

16. Options on Stock Indexes, Foreign Currency, and Futures

17. The Options Approach to Corporate Securities

18. Exotic Options

19. Interest Rate Options

20. The Swaps Market: An Introduction

21. Swaps: Economic Analysis and Pricing

22. Swaps: Applications

Appendix A: A Summary of Accounting Rules for Derivatives Instruments

Appendix B: The Cumulative Distribution Function for the Standard Normal Random Variable


Hardcover, 819 pages

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