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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2005, wydanie II

cena netto: 320.00 Twoja cena  304,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This collection of essays by one of America's leading legal theorists is unique in its scope. It shows how traditional problems of philosophy can be understood more clearly when considered in terms of law, economics, and political science. There are four sections in the book. The first offers a new version of legal positivism and an original theory of legal rights. The second section critically evaluates the economic approach to law, and the third considers the relationship of justice to liability for unintentional harms and to the practice of settling disputes rather than fully litigating them. Finally, Coleman explores formal social choice in democratic theory, the relationship between market behaviour and voting, and the view that morality itself, like law, is a solution of the problem of market failure. This book will be of cardinal importance to philosophers of law, legal theorists, political scientists, and economists.

Table of Contents    Preface   
Pt. I    Law and Morality   
1    Negative and positive positivism    3
2    Rethinking the theory of legal rights    28
Pt. II    Law and Economics   
3    Efficiency, auction and exchange    67
4    Efficiency, utility and wealth maximization    95
5    The foundations of constitutional economics    133
Pt. III    Torts, Crimes and Settlements   
6    Crimes, kickers and transaction structures    153
7    The morality of strict tort liability    166
8    Corrective justice and wrongful gain    184
9    Justice in settlements    202
Pt. IV    Markets, Morals and Politics   
10    Market contractarianism    243
11    Unanimity    277
12    Democracy and social choice    290
13    Morality and the theory of rational choice    311
    Notes    343

414 pages, Paperback

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