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wydawnictwo: SAGE , rok wydania 2004, wydanie VII

cena netto: 280.00 Twoja cena  266,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

In this seventh edition of a text for students in social work research, Rossi (sociology, emeritus, University of Massachusetts- Amherst) includes the latest approaches to evaluation as well as guidelines for tailoring evaluations to fit programs and social contexts. There is more attention to outcome measurement in this edition, along with expanded discussions of program theory, major evaluation design, meta-analysis, and alternative approaches. New examples of successful evaluations are given, and there is discussion of the political and social contexts of evaluation.

Table of Contents

Ch. 1    An Overview of Program Evaluation    1
Ch. 2    Tailoring Evaluations    31
Ch. 3    Identifying Issues and Formulating Questions    67
Ch. 4    Assessing the Need for a Program    101
Ch. 5    Expressing and Assessing Program Theory    133
Ch. 6    Assessing and Monitoring Program Process    169
Ch. 7    Measuring and Monitoring Program Outcomes    203
Ch. 8    Assessing Program Impact: Randomized Field Experiments     233
Ch. 9    Assessing Program Impact: Alternative Designs     265
Ch. 10    Detecting, Interpreting, and Analyzing Program Effects     301
Ch. 11    Measuring Efficiency    331
Ch. 12    The Social Context of Evaluation    369
Glossary    423
References    437
Author Index    457
Subject Index    461
About the Authors    469

480 pages, Paperback

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