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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2007, wydanie VIII

cena netto: 245.00 Twoja cena  232,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Steve Slavin's lively and comprehensive Economics has a student-friendly, step-by-step approach; value pricing; and a built-in Workbook/Study Guide. Instructors and students like the author's humorous anecdotes, direct language, and easy conversational style. The text encourages active rather than passive reading.

Table of Contents

1 A brief economic history of the united states

2 Resource utilization

3 Supply and demand

4 The mixed economy

5The household-consumption sector

6 The business-investment sector

7 The government sector

8 The export-import sector

9 Gross domestic product

10 Economic fluctuations, unemployment, and inflation

11 Classical and keynesian economics

12 Fiscal policy and the national debt

13 Money and banking

14 The federal reserve and monetary policy

15 A century of economic theory

16 Economic growth and productivity

17 Demand, supply, and equilibrium

18 The elasticities of demand and supply

19 The theory of consumer behavior

20 Cost

21 Profit, loss, and perfect competition

22 Monopoly

23 Monopolistic competition

24 Oligopoly

25 Corporate mergers and antitrust

26 Demand in the factor market

27 Labor unions

28 Labor markets and wage rates

29 Rent, interest, and profit

30 Income distribution and poverty

31 International trade

32 International finance

Paperback, 833 pages

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