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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2007, wydanie I

cena netto: 205.00 Twoja cena  194,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Trading the Forex Market can be exciting, adventurous, and financially rewarding. It can also be disastrous for those who are unprepared for its rhythms and movements.

Now, Jared F. Martinez, one of the foremost experts in currency trading, draws upon his vast knowledge and experience to deliver 10 key practices for trading in Forex. The 10 Essentials of Forex Trading shows you how to use charting methods to effectively relate market movements to trading patterns-and turn those patterns into profit.

No matter your level of trading experience, you can develop the skills you need to become a consistently successful foreign currency trader-from using the right trading tools and balancing equity management to trading in buy and sell zones and identifying trends and trendlines. You'll discover what drives the Forex market and how to navigate the three stages of Forex trading: acquiring new trading rules, controlling disciplined thought, and implementing disciplined action.

Martinez also prepares you to:
Understand the financial game of support and resistance between Bulls & Bears
Use Japanese Candlesticks to discern the sign language of the market
Create an entry strategy and a consistent exit strategy
Use Fibonacci as part of your trading approach
Forecast sideways movement in the market-and trade it

Martinez shows you how to put it all together to execute a successful trade by finding convergence and analyzing the market on multiple timeframes. You'll also learn how to gain control over your emotions-a vital part of trading on Forex-and eliminate bad habits that can prevent you from becoming a confident, competent, and profitable trader.

To trade the Forex market, you must come to the trading table prepared. The 10 Essentials of Forex Trading arms you with the tools to develop a solid personal trading constitution and reap the financial outcome you desire.

Back cover copy

Follow and forecast the Forex market-and start profiting today

With $1.5 trillion traded daily, Forex offers you a huge opportunity for tremendous profit-if you are fully prepared to analyze and ride its intense ups and downs.

Now, renowned trading expert Jared Martinez has distilled his proven forecasting methods and trading strategies into a practical how-to guide for successfully trading on Forex. The 10 Essentials of Forex Trading reveals must-know methods for understanding and forecasting the market, complete with charting methods and insights that let you begin trading currencies immediately. Taking on the role of personal mentor, Martinez helps you get a handle on the technical as well as emotional aspects of trading, giving you the tools to:

Develop a consistent trading strategy
Successfully relate market movements to trading patterns-and trade those patterns for tremendous profit
Master Fibonacci, Japanese Candlesticks, and other charting methods
Learn disciplines and habits to become a better trader
Analyze Forex on multiple timeframes
Make the market movements work for you
Protect yourself should the market not go your way-and maximize your profit if it does

“Authored by a man of great character, this book is not only fascinating and innovative in the financial realm, but the spirit of his mantra infuses itself throughout: Life is not about what we acquire, rather what we become.”-Stephen R. Covey, author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness

“Jared's book on Forex trading is a must for both seasoned and beginning traders of Forex. His personal litmus test was particularly enjoyable as it encompasses the most important thing a trader faces. That is, himself. The book is filled with excellent descriptions, trends, buy and sell zones and how to handle the fundamental events. His description of the Fibonacci sequence of numbers and how it relates to nature will be enjoyable to all readers. This book should be in every trader's library.”-Larry Pesavento

224 pages, Hardcover

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