PALMER I., DUNFORD R., AKIN G. wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2006, wydanie I cena netto: 150.00 Twoja cena 142,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka Managing Organizational Change, by Palmer/Dunford/Akin, provides managers with an
awareness of the issues involved in managing change, moving them beyond "one-best
way" approaches and providing them with access to multiple perspectives that they can
draw upon in order to enhance their success in producing organizational change. These
multiple perspectives provide a theme for the text as well as a framework for the way each
chapter outlines different options open to managers in helping them to identify, in a
reflective way, the actions and choices open to them. The authors favor using multiple
perspectives to ensure that change managers are not trapped by a "one-best way"
of approaching change which limits their options for action. Changing organizations is as
messy as it is exhilarating, as frustrating as it is satisfying, as muddling-through and
creative a process as it is a rational one. This book recognizes these tensions for those
involved in managing organizational change. Rather than pretend that they do not exist it
confronts them head on, identifying why they are there, how they can be managed and the
limits they create for what the manager of organizational change can achieve.
Table of contents
Chapter 1 Introduction: Stories of Change
Chapter 2 Images of Managing Change
Chapter 3 Why Organizations Change
Chapter 4 What Changes in Organizations
Chapter 5 Diagnosis for Change
Chapter 6 Resistance to Change
Chapter 7 Implementing Change: Organization Development, Appreciative Inquiry and
Sensemaking Approaches
Chapter 8 Implementing Change: Change Management, Contingency and Processual Approaches
Chapter 9 Linking Vision and Change
Chapter 10 Strategies for Communicating Change
Chapter 11 Skills for Communicating Change
Chapter 12 Consolidating Change
384 pages, paperback
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