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wydawnictwo: BLOOMSBURY , rok wydania 2009, wydanie I

cena netto: 125.50 Twoja cena  119,23 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Heretics of Finance: Conversations with the Leading Practitioners of Technical Analysis

Rejected by most academics and many practitioners, technical analysis has flourished on the outskirts of the financial establishment, passing from one generation to the next through odd apprenticeships and confabulations, growing into one of the most colorful parts of Wall Street folklore. As a result, technical analysis suffers from such a lack of standardization that the discipline is still considered a black art by many. Shortcomings aside, technical analysis has grown in popularity, attracting a significant and devoted following among traders and investors. Lo and Hasanhodzic immerse themselves in the controversial world of these practitioners, inviting them to tell the story of their craft in their own words.

Table of Contents

1 Ralph J. Acampora 1

2 Laszlo Birinyi, Jr. 11

3 Waller Deemer 25

4 Paul F.Desmond 31

5 Gail M. Dudack 39

6 Robert J. Farrell 47

7 Ian McAvity 57

8 John J. Murphy 65

9 Robert R. Prechter, Jr. 75

10 Linda Bradford Raschke 81

11 Alan R. Shaw 91

12 Anthony W. Tabell 99

13 Stan Weinstein 105

14 Conviction: Countering the Skeptics and the Scoundrels 115

15 The Evolution of Technical Analysis 143

16 Luck, Astrology, and Other Unsanctioned Signs 167

17 Creativity, Talent, and the Art of the Craft 185

18 The Challenge of Emotions 199

19 The Path to Success 211

20 Favorite Patterns and Indicators 227

References 249

Index 252

288 pages, Paperback

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